The owners of FCDB (that would be Dirtbunny) have been on a long management retreat to contemplate the future of the squadra. Frankly, the team roster doesn't get my heart pumping the way it used to. Making lifetime acquisitions seemed like a good idea at the time, but certain players have done certain things that make them undeserving of the honor. For others, well, it's just time to part as friends and move on.
Therefore, effectively immediately, FCDB players will now be organized into three groups. There will be the active players, who are still around and still more or less as beloved as they were when they were called up. There will be Dirtbunnies Emeritus, all of whom leave the club with honor and are free to publicly refer to themselves as Dirtbunnies. And then there is the BadDog group, all of whom are being punished for some rime or another. A few of the BadDogs can harbor some plausible hope for reinstatement if they make necessary changes and atone for their crimes. Others are, I believe too far gone to ever come back.