Monday, March 22, 2010

Luca Lunedi

Football is suffering.


Anonymous said...

Word bubble over Luca's head:


He's like an irate kid complaining to his mum over some injustice done to him.

Anonymous said...

Dirtbunny's Olympic Team:

"Natalia Mishkutionok and Artur Dmitriev (mostly her)"

Why mostly her?

Dirtbunny said...

On the off chance you'd actually come back and check, here's why. Back in the day, her amazing flexibility and balance made them special, whereas his failure to follow though on balletic dance moves was their competitive downfall. But SHE was the one criticized. For being "fat." And they were rumored to have had a thing and he cheated on her and they still had to compete together. And then he went and got a smaller partner and had continued success whereas she retired and became obscure.