Monday, September 6, 2010

Lame Yarn Post

I am in the black hole of knitting.  I knit and knit and knit and nothing much happens.  I've been working on pretty much all of my projects for at least two months and I have very little to show for any of it. Except these:

These are the Scottish Highland socks.  Mindless monkey knitting featuring STR.  No big deal.

I started a pair of socks for my sister-in-law in July.  I finished the first one this morning, but only after forcing myself to hunker down.  This is where I was before the weekend:

Now this right here, this is the big time suck:

Hm.  In the photo, you can actually see the pattern.  In real life, it's just a pile of fuzzy grey stuff that is lace and therefore, ALL TOGETHER NOW, looks like ass.  I can't believe I'm only halfway through.

Oops.  I forgot this:

Hm.  OK now that cheers me up. Nice lace, huh?


Anonymous said...

When are you going to stop posting pictures of biscotti and start offering some to your loyal readers?

Anonymous said...

Nice fresh backgroung on your web page. I like it.