Friday, December 12, 2008

Random Friday

  1. Today we got a form letter from our mortgage-holder informing us that they are solvent and secure and everything is hunky-dory yessireebob. Which is an odd letter to get, if you ask me. Didn't Enron send out similar rosy notices to somebody right before it collapsed? We had no reason to think our mortgage holder was in trouble. Hmmmmm.
  2. Kirby got his stitches out this week and saw the oncologist today. Happily, his form of cancer is only rarely fatal, although it can cause problems and it would be much better if he didn't have it. It's possible that the surgery did the trick and it won't come back, buts odds are that it will comeback eventually. So we will be doing radiation treatment after the holidays. But we can all breathe a little more freely now.
  3. By the way, just because you went in to the vet for sore paws and the vet saw cancer unrelated to the sore paws doesn't mean that he sore paws will automatically go away. In fact, if the reason for the sore paws is an untreated yeast infection in between the pads, then the paws will probably get worse while you're off being distracted by cancer and amputations and whatnot. So now poor Kirby has a RAGING EN FUEGO yeast infection. The treatment is frequent cleaning between the pads with medicated wipes. It hurts. Kirby squirms and shrieks and gives me warning bites when I'm doing it. I feel like shit over this, which is only fair and just because if I weren't neglectful in the first place, I would have noticed the problem before it got to this point. He's suffering because of me, and my punishment is that the only way he gets better is if I torture him by cleaning his feet.
  4. We bought a fake Christmas tree this year. It is still in its box, sitting there, taunting me. You're lazy and behind schedule! You're lazy and behind schedule!
  5. Q: If Dirtbunny has a virus that won't go away, how many days will it take for The Man to catch it? A: 61 days
  6. Q: Say three nice things about President Bush. A: one--I know you are trying to be all tough in public and pretend that you have no doubts, questions, or regrets about anything you did while in office, but I believe that in your heart of hearts, you know you have made mistakes. two--Thank you for closing the government on December 26. three--Sorry. I only got two.
  7. Did you know that even if you give Yarn Bandit an extra evening potty break about half an hour before bedtime, you still have to give him his regular potty break immediately before bedtime or he will wee in the house during the night?
  8. If Yarn Bandit is going to go in the house in the middle of the night, whether he goes #1 or #2, he invariably does it in the bathroom. This is not ideal, but at least we can toss the bathroom rug in the wash. Isn't there something interesting about that? It's as if he knows that this is the place where we go when we have to go in the middle of the night.
  9. Big knittings-on happening here, but you will have to wait. Typing time takes away from knitting time.


Anonymous said...

Glad that GK is doing well

Anonymous said...

The tree box is not taunting you any more but is instead sulking in the attic, waiting and pouting for its next taunting opportunity next year.