Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So yesterday we had snow again.  Only a little, and it didn't stick.  I still have a ton of scary ice, but the plan for the day is to go outside in the daylight and see if there is a safe way for me to get to the street, so I can get to the yarn store   work.

Here is the final set of snowscapes after the last of the big ones on Wednesday:

The yard.  The schip laurels along the neighbor's fence and the retaining wall are completely covered.

The deck.  Maybe you can get a sense of how windy it was during the last one by the waviness of the surface.   The snow is all the way to the top of the retaining wall behind the chairs.   Most of The Man's compulsive snow shoveling was for naught.  However, he has now finished and was able to liberate the garbage cans from the garage, which means we got our trash picked up for the first time in a month.  You have no idea how much poop two dogs can make in a month.  Thank goodness it was all frozen and much less fragrant than it could have been.

More evidence of wind.  I've never seen icicles that bend like that, but I'm sure Anonymous, The Science Guy, will clue me in on the physics when he gets around to it.

Those are some pretty scary icicles, but so far they haven't resulted in a leak.

These ones did.  The painters/gutter guys neglected a bit of caulking this fall, and water came in and started dribbling out of an electrical outlet.  It's temporarily fixed now, and we can get it caulked for real if it ever dries out and warms up.

The predominant mood of the manonthestreet seems to be that snow sucks and traffic is horrible and why can't anyone do anything about it and when are the schools going to open again and sure glad spring is coming.  I don't care.  I still like it, even though it appears that those expensive schip laurels are going to have to be replaced.  It's pretty, idyllic, and romantic.  I hope it snows like this every winter, but history says we won't get another real snowfall for another seven years.


Anonymous said...

F=ma and you can derive everything else my Nobel Prize winning frosh physics lecturer told us after the mean score on the first exam was 18 out of 40.

How about some Olympic Smaltz. Any chance automatic electrodes could be inserted into the apparent brain location of these announcers and they would get a jolt everytime they utter "perfect storm" or talk about opposite sex room mates or make a statement that conflicts with the times posted on the monitors. Most of this stuff is delayed anyways so you would think they could reduce the stupidity to that of a standard evening news broadcast.

Anonymous said...

Who knew that getting garbage out of your own house 30 feet down the hill could be so satisfying? Maybe writing the Declaration of Independence or Magna Carta could surpass it, but I doubt it!

Re Olympic smaltz, I just let it wash over me, but maybe they could get the video/audio guys to fix it so that the sounds made by the brain dead announcers actually sync with the movements of their lips. Otherwise, I have the creepy feeling that they've reanimated zombie corpses to serve as TV announcers, which I don't approve of at all. Just saying!