I discovered a whole bunch of podcasts on iTunes and I was messing around when what should appear but some old beagle videos I took a few years ago that I thought were lost. How they ended up on iTunes I'll never know. Anyway, this one shows my boys before they went all white in the face and back before Kirby's illnesses, back when he was sleek and fat. I'm glad I found this. As he beautiful as he is now, it's good to have something to remember how he looked then. And Tiki was way squirmy.
EDIT: If it isn't working for you, follow this link.
Are they real dogs? No butt sniffing and other gross dog activities. Did you edit it out or do the parental controls block all the this sort of stuff?
Really? You want to see live-action coverage of canine grossness? I can certainly comply, if you're sure, but.....
Hi Dirtbunny!
As someone who is not terribly fond of dogs (I know I am a horrible human being), your doggies are very cute!
Hope to see you post more Juve stuff soon (no pressure whatsoever since you are a busy lady!)since your commentary on the pictures always makes me smile!
Your fellow American Juventina!
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