Sunday, April 27, 2008

Doctor Kirby in his laBORatory

Come with me if you will to see Doctor Kirby.
Hi, Kirby! What are you doing under there? Conducting an experiment? What kind of experiment?
Oh, no! It looks like another unholy medical experiment on a helpless dog toy! What are you doing to Crocodile?
Oh, no! Not the eyes! Wha....
For Pete's sake, Tiki! Do you have to be the center of attention all the time? Go see The Man. Maybe he has some food for you.

Yes, food. Go on. Go. Where were we?

It's over. We've missed it.

Poor, blind Crocodile. Perhaps it's just as well. I don't have much stomach for gruesomeness or gore.

Both eyes, eh? How nice.

You don't have to look so proud of yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're next, we're next! Flee! Run for your life! Gaaaaaaaaaaah!

(It's like Blair Witch Club, except with beagle and without snot)