A nice shed. So far we use it for storage. Well, we expect to continue to use it for storage. What I meant was, so far, we have used it for the open the door, shove it in, and close the door fast before everything falls out sort of storage. "We" have always intended to install pegboard so we can hang our garden tools and reclaim our garage for auto-related stuff. So, this weekend, the Old Folks came to visit to help "we" with the installation of the pegboard.
Although the forecast called for rain yesterday, it was actually warm, sunny, and breezy, a good day for this:
And so "we" went outside. Some of "we" did this:
And some of "we" did this:
He was not so pleased with the neighbor kid's air rifle and all the little plastic pellets pinging off the windows. I didn't hear any of that, but the Old Woman did, and I collected about 11 pellets off the deck.
We had a nice visit with the Old Folks. As they were leaving this morning, The Boys freaked out a little. They saw all the "leaving" stuff, like luggage and whatnot, and started to worry. I thought we could all go outside together to say goodbye. Yarn Bandit thought that was a great idea. Defying Bunny, who stayed at the top of the hill and told him to stay put, YB followed the Old Man all the way down to the truck. When the Old Man opened it up to stow the gear, Yarn Bandit took advantage and hopped in and called shotgun.
Fickle little tramp. I had half a mind to just let him have his wish and go. It would serve him right. But the Old Folks only like to visit Yarn Bandit. They don't want to have to take care of him full time (which is sort of how they view their grandchildren). So the Old Man fished him out and The Man leashed him up and dragged him up the hill to the house.
After that, we all got back in bed with the paper and had some cuddle time. The Boys have been asleep ever since.
See him there snuggling with his toy? Doesn't he look like a dog who has everything he could ever want right where he is? Why does he want to run off with someone else?
1 comment:
Because he's a 'ho. Always has been, always will be, God love him. Sniff.
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