Thursday, February 26, 2009

Champions League

So I haven't seen yesterday's Real Madrid v. Liverpool game. The Man and I are watching that tonight when he comes back with Kirby's anti-seizure medicine refill and my dinner. I really do not want to talk about Juventus today, but I will say this:

Gigi was resplendent in his purple kit. The socks are also purple, if you were wondering.

Gigi was nice to the opposing strikers, Mr. Drogba, in this case, who doesn't seem like a very nice person and might not have deserved it. Gigi kept his gloves on for this one. (If he really loves you, he takes off at least one of his gloves when he touches you).

Gigi loves Petr Cech. You can tell because how many gloves is he wearing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only one glove. Another tribute to Gigi is that Cech has taken off his Bombardier Cap of Brain Injury Avoidance to talk to him. That's trust, and that's friendship, man!