I'm back from Indianapolis, complete with a brand new cold. (Ah choo!) It's cold and rainy, which is fine, but I was going to have a bean salad for lunch and I think I'd rather have something warm instead, only there isn't anything in the house that meets my exacting criteria.
While I ponder the lunch issue, here's our favorite half-witted beauty, Mr. November:

Look! He's trying to smolder! Isn't it sweet? And why is he wearing his bathing suit while he's getting a massage? Isn't that something one normally does while nekkid? Should there not be a towel draped over his big Italian butt for authenticity's sake? Oh, well. This is a German calendar. Maybe in Germany, they get their massages while fully clothed. Maybe in Germany they don't do massages at all, which is why they would be touting massages as a tourist attraction in Emilia-Romagna.
I don't get it. Neither does Looooca:

[tongue must be out for brain to engage]
Another big tongued Italian. What is the attraction?
Not "another" one. The same one over and over.
PBS has a series called "International Mystery". The current Italian series is Homicide Squad. Perhaps you can get your fix of Italian men without all the sweating and mutual fondling that seems to be a fixture of serie A? Its in Italian with subtitles so it also is an opportunity to improve your language skills.
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