Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Q & A

Q: What's so bad about fouling the duckling?

A: I don't know. He looks like he's asking for it, doesn't he?

[another carefully airbrushed--to remove the acne--post-eyebrow plucking cheesy "fashion" photo. He's just a baby for crying out loud! He's too young to be allowed to make decisions-like the one to pose for this--that he might regret later.]

Q: Are there any more photos of that tender moment capitano a capitano?

A: Yes, there are.

[Paolo isn't all that tall]

Q: Did the old guy really score in the Euros? You're making that up.

A: No I'm not.

[against the Romanians. That's ADP there behind the goalie.]

Q: Why won't Kirby go into the kitchen?
A: Well, the living room has been smelling pretty foul on account of an old undiscovered accident (courtesy of Yarn Bandit) that has dried. The Man and I have been waiting each other out on this one.
Dirtbunny: I think that Tiki peed somewhere, but I'm not brave enough to put my nose down there to find it.
The Man: Neither am I.
Dirtbunny: [looks at The Man and thinks "you do it"]
The Man: [looks at Dirtbunny and thinks "you do it"]
This morning, I sacked up, as they say, and put my nose down and I found it. And I am cleaning it up. Like this:

The footstool is not supposed to be on the kitchen counter. Therefore, it is scary to Kirbys, and they won't go in the kitchen. Except for cookies. And then they only go in the kitchen the other way around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't think "you do it." Just thought "I'm not going to do it." A subtle but important difference.