Monday, July 13, 2009

Luca Lunedi

Are you tired of the twelve-months-of-Luca? There will be more, but first, this fashion photo is too awesome to wait and it has gotten bumped up to the head of the line. Please remember that the art director of this photo shoot is working off the premise that Guys Messing Around With Engines = Sexy. Supposedly.

I'm not so sure that Guy Stranded on the Side of the Road with Neither a Cell Phone Nor a Working Knowledge of Engines = Sexy.
So much for the mystique of the gull-wing doors. The sort of chicas you can attract with a sports cars are not the sort of chicas who will understand when your sports car breaks down and you are reduced to tears. Oh, and the leather (plastic?) jacket adds to the poseur look. Poor Loooca.

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