Con: Let The Man have the car today. No yarn crawl this afternoon, and I really need to find something I can use the red merino Pam fingering weight for.
Pro: They sell yarn on the Interwebs.
Con: Sometimes when I read stuff I've written, I cannot believe how crappy my proofreading is. Given that my job is to write things, it's a miracle I'm still employed.
Pro: It's raining! sort of Yard maintenance crew across the street can't make as much noise with their leaf-blowers as usual when it's wet. Plus, rain is wonderful.
Pro: WCQs today!
Con: So far, Tiger has not shown up to accept my offer of asylum.
Pro: But that could just mean that he's recovering nicely from his disgrace. The offer is still open, baby!
Con: I keep buying eggplant, so now I have to cook some for dinner.
Pro: Ziti and eggplant, cheap Barbera, and the Azzurri make for a pleasant evening.
Con: I have really got to shave my legs. No messing around.
Pro: Maybe I can just wear pants to the office.
Con: I am very very thirsty, and too lazy to get myself a drink of water. What the hell is my problem?
Pro: Convinced the girlz to upgrade Marco in the Fangirl's Guide to Serie A! I spent all night on it and it worked! And I am getting better at HTML sort of
Con: This laziness/thirst thing is really disturbing. What, exactly, is keeping me from getting a drink of water?
Pro: I think this was the clincher that got me my upgrade for Marco:

Con: Fishing is gross. Eww
Pro: I managed to wrench myself out of the sitting position and have obtained water. It is cold, and wet, and good.
Con: In so doing, I had to enter the kitchen, and I noticed how grubby it is. Someone will have to clean it.Con: We skipped Luca Lunedi this week.
Pro: There's always room for Loooca!

"Water, water everywhere ..." Maybe yor subconscious has just drifted back to high school!
The fish clinched it. Undoubtedly! Also, they do sell yarn on the interwebs, and the miracle-thanking re your employment should be done by your employers (not you), who should be overjoyed to have you, a few proofreading errors nothwithstanding.
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