Friday, November 6, 2009

The Daily Decrepit

You could probably kick the garage door down if you wanted, at least you could if you have legs.  If you don't have legs, you'll have to use a flyswatter.

That's OK though, because this is what's in the garage.

Except the tools, which went home with Edwin.  So where, you might ask, is all the stuff one customarily finds in Dirtbunny's garage?

It's in the house.  I try not to think about it.


Anonymous said...

So, while Dirtbunny has been photgraphing the state of the house for insurance purposes in case of flood or fire or an asteroid strike, THE YANKEES WON THE WORLD SERIES. This is a first step in reestablishing the proper world order. Now if Brazil can win the World Cup we can all feeler better about the future.

Dirtbunny said...

I think you know which football team we support around here, and your comment about the Yankees was just plain cruel. I was knitting a pair of red socks for the Old Man, but now I have an inexplicable urge to give them to someone else.

Also, if I actually wanted the insurance company to give me money, I wouldn't send them photos that imply that I live in a shack.

Anonymous said...

Not thinking about it is my preferred strategy. La la la, what garage?