Saturday, March 29, 2008
Where it all happens
Bunny's office is small, even compared to some of the other offices, but it is nice, and it has a great view. Out the window there and across the street is the National Geographic building. The building is terraced and has plantings along the terraces, and a courtyard with trees and sculpture. For a city view in Our Nation's Capital, there is actually something to look at. Not an alley, a real view.
One of the guys/gals over at "The Geo" has a row of Emmy awards sitting on his/her windowsill. Bunny does not have a row of Emmys. That person gets Emmys when he does his job well. Not so much for Bunny.
Bunny has put a sun catcher in the window. Also, her peace lily is there. The peace lily used to live at home until Kirby started to nibble on it. Lilies are bad for dogs. Whether that includes peace lilies as well, I don't know. I'm not taking chances. So the peace lily came with me to work. There is an empty Diet Pepsi bottle next to it. I know someone who has an extensive collection of empty soda bottles in the office, along with a great many other objects that most of the rest of us would consider to be trash. I'm pointing out my single Diet Pepsi bottle just to let you know that I use it to collect water for the peace lily, every Friday afternoon, and not because I keep garbage in my office.
That big orange box on the left is censoring something that you don't need to know about. I'm too ashamed to tell you what it is today.
Bunny has an ordinary office chair. A few years ago, we had a big pile of end-of-year funds to spend and lots of people got fancy new chairs. They put models in the break room for people to try out. The problem was, all the chairs had names like "Freedom" and "Liberty." God knows which government contractor manufactured those things. What appalling names. I could not bring myself to choose, so I did not get a fancy new ergonomic chair. In retrospect, that might have been a mistake. At the time though, I just couldn't. Who names chairs things like "Freedom," "Liberty," and "Patriot"? It was a philosophical choice and I stand by it. But it would have been nice to get a new chair.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
What I learned today
And what I learned today is that dogs are supposed to have hair. They aren't quite right without it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Special Boy
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Rough day, rough night for Kirby
But he's getting his MRI on Wednesday, so he needed some lab work done, blood tests and a urinalysis. That meant a trip to the vet. There are two ways to get urine from a dog. One way is to follow him around with a receptacle of some sort and catch it as it comes out of him. No dice on that method. Kirby could not understand what the hell Bunny was doing with that down there. And if Bunny couldn't do it, there was no effing way that a nice, male, teenaged vet assistant was going to get anywhere with it. We resorted to the other way, which involves a needle inserted into the source. While GK's blood work is fine, the urine results are not quite right, and may be nothing or may be something (where have I heard that before) so we have to get some more done in about three weeks to see if there is a kidney issue that requires attention.
To recap: Kirby has:
- seizures and a possible tumor or cerebellum disease
- neurological deficits
- maybe some kidney disease, maybe not
- allergies
- occasional skin infections from the allergies
- unspeakably foul ear gunk from occasional ear infections resulting from the allergies
- a disgusting and annoying licking habit that is partly from the allergies and partly from his psychological issues (see below)
- appallingly stinky flatulence resulting from the hypoallergenic diet we feed him because of the allergies
- bizarre phobias and sensitivities too numerous to list
- an acute sense of stranger-danger that prevents him from making friends with humans who are not Bunny or The Man
- and he's a bed hog
He's worth it. He's even worth the baths, which suck at least as much for us as they do for him.
Anyhoo, our pobre cito had to endure a vet visit with needles and strangers and a car ride that did not end at the dog park, and he was extra clingy for the rest of the day.
But he slept peacefully like the angel he is...
Dirtbunny, as you may recall, has a hearing impairment. She slept through Hurricane Isabel and, last night, she slept through Hurricane K-Hole. The Man reports that Kirby spent the better part of the night dancing around the house, flinging himself against the big bed (he has forgotten that he knows how to jump up), clawing at the bench at the foot of the bed, and generally making as big a pest of himself as he could in an attempt to get a boost onto the big bed. Or so The Man says. Bunny slept through all of it. The Man resisted GK's desperation and eventually, everyone went to sleep where he was supposed to go to sleep. The Man usually succumbs and gives in to whatever unreasonable nocturnal canine demands are made of him which, of course, only encourages the sort of bad behavior we had last night.I believe The Man's reports of what happened last night. There was evidence.
- Bunny's fleece-lined slippers showed signs of new chewage. Kirby likes to rip the fleece lining out of Bunny's slippers, but he only does it when he wants attention. I can leave them lying around all day while I'm at work and he ignores them. However, if I'm on the sofa and he's not, he'll shred them.
- There was this:
Kirby's bed, to the right. Kirby's wubbie, dragged out of the bed and dumped four feet away, to the left. Untouched by human hands, I assure you. And Tiki's wubbie was in the bed with Tiki, as it was supposed to be. Whatever his other faults, Tiki is a champion sleeper. Night time is for sleeping in the dog bed with the wubbie and there to remain until the sun comes up or until the humans roust him.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Imagne that
Leaky Tiki
Are you kidding me? Are you trying to jinx it?
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Bunny Checks up on the Economy Plan
She was very upset that, in this time of economy (before the car wreck, the no-oil-pressure car repair, the Kirby seizure, the doggy neurologist, and the canine MRI), she had no actual money but lots and lots of skin care products in the cabinet. How could this be?
Well, Bunny has been diligently cleansing, masque-ing, toning, scrubbing, and exfoliating ever since. What does she have to show for it?
Hmmmm. That didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped. Here's a more Obsessive-Compulsive way to look at it:
Now we're cooking with Wesson!
By the way, my skin looks the same.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I am being punished
I know what the problem is.
- I let a stranger in the house to fiddle with the computers.
- I had ice cream and didn't give him any.
He's pouting.
Beagle Update
When we first adopted Kirby about two years ago, he came complete with about 10-12 of these little chunks of rigid plastic that he proceeded to yak up one or two at a time over the course of several weeks. It looks to us like a plastic ball of some sort, complete with fake stitching. We thought we had seen the last of these a long long long time ago. We were wrong. Whatever else may have happened to our little buddy before he came to live with us, I'm pretty sure that no one force-fed him a plastic football. This one is his own fault. Still, what's going on in there that he could keep this in his stomach for two years? I suppose it isn't small enough to pass into his intestines. Yuck. I truly hope this one is the last one. And we are going to chalk up the recent spewage to his special gift and not to his new medicine, until we have reason to suspect otherwise.
By the way, let's say you are having a rough weekend and you decide to take a long afternoon nap in the bed. You are wearing your pink bathrobe, and you are cuddling with Kirby under the covers. Then you wake up and you decide to take a shower. Because you are lazy, you toss the robe on the floor. Because he is devoted to you, this is what Kirby does while you are in the shower instead of staying in bed:
Oops! Too slow, Bunny. OK, let's try again:
Good boy, Tiki.