Saturday, November 15, 2008

Random Saturday

  1. It is Day 42 of Dirtbunny's Cold. The plan for the weekend is to stay in, keep warm and dry, rest a lot, and see if we can knock this thing out once and for all. Because I have a little more energy, I am all do-y. You know, be not do , and I'm having a hard time being still and peaceful. Twitch, twitch. I suddenly have a zillion non-postponeable errands to run, not least of which is a trip to the yarn store to replace the Knitter's Almanac that Yarn Bandit ate because it has a pattern I want and a cast-on I want to try. And the Baby Surprise Jacket.

  2. Dirtbunny has a follower. She doesn't appear to be related to me and I haven't met her as far as I know. She cooks, she's creative, she has an off-kilter sense of humor, and we have a lot in common, except that she works hard and I gave that up for Lent.

  3. Kirby has an E Coli infection. Also, the cytology on his leg mass was inconclusive, so he's getting a mass-ectomy and biopsy on Wednesday. He is not walking very well at all and seems generally miserable. It's breaking our hearts.

  4. My wedding anniversary was Wednesday. The Man got me a book of one-skein knitting projects. It was a simple thing, but really thoughtful. I'm getting startitis again.

  5. It is at least possible that Kirby's E Coli is giving my stressed-out immune system too much to do and making it harder to recover from my six-week bout of bronchitis. The doc sez I have to kick him out of bed, which I should have done a while ago. This is not easy. Kirby cannot get up on the bed by himself, but he has his ways of being persuasive in the middle of the night. The trick is to comfort him, let him know that you understand what he wants (or else he just thinks he isn't trying hard enough), and then don't give in. We made it through last night (The Man slept on the sofa) and we'll keep working it until he accepts his dog bed again.

  6. We'll probably upgrade the dog bed to make it more enticing. That means a trip to the Petsmart, and it's Saturday (when the lost dogs are there) so I'm not allowed to go until the lost dogs have gone home or we might end up with an extra beagle and The Man will just have to leave me for good.

  7. I have noticed that my assessment of the douchebaggery quotient of European futbollers is directly related to the insolence of their hairstyle. Schweinsteiger and Podolski cut off the offensive highlights, Sergio Ramos and Fernando Torres cut their hair, and Ronaldinho got rid of the wide stretchy headband that made him look like a low-rent transsexual show girl saving up for the operation and now, suddenly, they all seem a little less like douchebags to me.

  8. I need a haircut. I washed it last night and slept on it wet so, well, you know. Good thing the European futbollers aren't making half-cocked judgments about me based on my hair (although my highlights are WAY better than Schweinsteiger's were).

  9. The new sliding glass door is great. Too bad that caulk has to smell so bad for so long.

  10. I made the worst-ever batch of chili this week. I do not recommend aduki beans as a substitute for kidney beans. Bleck. We ate some of it, but I think we're going to throw the last few quarts away and start over.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yes it's true. I've decided to step out of the *secret stalker closet* and show my true appreciation! :)