We love him, but he's merely a Big Swede.

He's the Big Swede. He's the best futboller in the world, so of course, FC Dirtbunny has to have him.
Name: Zlatan Ibrahimovic

[I'm not the first to say this, but it was so apt I'll repeat it anyway. It looks like maybe Ujfi fouled Grygera, but who touched Cris?]
He's a very very large man, but he has skill and grace and he can bring the ball up the field and dribble and go around people and do cute little back-heel passes and headers and goals on the ground and goals going backwards from volley and goals pretty much anyway you can imagine and a few you haven't imagined yet. He's like Lionel Messi, only big and imposing and strong and a serious threat in the air. [*getting breathless just thinking about it*]
Whew. Slow down Dirtbunny.

[stiff-arming a big, tough Greek guy]

[not very kind to Croatian number 8 either]

[gettin' the best of Khaka Kaladze]
[Sergio Ramos' thought bubble, option 1: "Please don't hurt me Zlatan!']
[Sergio Ramos' thought bubble, option 2: "Not in the mouth! I need the lips for Raul!"]

This goal in the Euros against eventual champion Spain:

[Iker sprawled on the pitch, failing to save the goal. Sergio Ramos on his butt, failing to defend same.]
Iker spends most of his time sitting behind the goal in a smoking jacket, sipping a cognac whilst writing his memoirs. He is rarely called upon to do much. But he can do plenty when it is required of him. Some say he's the best goalie in the world. He's not. But he is one of the best.

If you can make Iker appear in this position in a photograph, ESPECIALLY IF THE BALL IS CLEARLY SHOWN IN THE GOAL BEHIND HIM, then you are doing something right.
Tangent: The Big Swede made Sergio Ramos look as unskilled as Dirtbunny in that game. Poor muscle-bound kid, sitting on his ass, staring at Iker's buttocks. Let me assure you, Sergio Ramos is no slouch. Nosirreebob he is not. He is a fine, fine, fullback, but he cannot keep the best futboller in the world from scoring.
Love. Love is important.
Daddy, this part really isn't meant for you.
OK. Are we alone now? Good.
Reason number five is that Zlatan is hott.

Lordy, lordy, lordy, can he rock the bitchpose or what?

It's not that hard to find photos of him without his shirt, or pants, or wearing a towel, or showing off his tatoos, but we wouldn't want your computer to explode.
Dude works hard to be cool. However, when he's really, really happy, and doing what he loves, he forgets about the game face and becomes the biggest dork EVER.
[Zlatan likes to play with the ball.]
[Gee guys, isn't this cool? We get paid for this. Can you believe it?]

[Golly! Trophies are fun!]

olof olof olof
Dear Lord. Finger guns. Nay! DOUBLE finger guns.

Oh God, how desperately he needs me. Trust me, I would never, never let this happen again.
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