One of the many amazing things about Italian football is the wealth of Marcos.
This one is a Roman portiere who plays for Genoa. And also, the Azzurri:
And this one is a Napolitano attacanti who is always injured. He's a former Azzurri who warms the bench for Milan, and he's famous for his tattoo and his STD. Really. Look it up if you want, just not at work. He's extraordinarily pretty, but is not, unfortunately, loved for his footballing skillz, although I would dearly love it if he would give me a reason not to be so shallow:
This one is another Roman, a centrocampista who plays for the Viola. He is, again, an Azzurri, and Bunny's current favorite Marco. He used to be in Bianconeri, but he was unhappy in Torino and transferred this summer. Now he gets to play all the time. After he had a couple of crap games, Bunny cast a magic spell on him and for once it actually worked. His game markedly improved. Really. Look it up it you care to. I has magic.
It occurs to me that my Italian grammar is probably all wrong. I'm working on it.
Champions League this week. I'm very very busy, so don't bug me.