Thursday, March 31, 2011

Odds and Ends

Number One

I've had a question or two about the football photos.  Tuttosport, being in the tank for Juventus as it is, usually has some really good stuff, but it's protected from downloading.  I get most of mine from either or  There are some on Getty's site that don't show up anywhere else, but they all have water marks.  I haven't found anything from last week's Juventus-Torino charity match.  However, a few days ago Daylife posted a few photos from the Bari match back in January, so sometimes they publish things late.  Photos from the Toro match could show up later.

Juventus Offside has posted video of the match, if you're interested.

Number Two

It has been a relatively snowy year.  There haven't been any huge blizzards, but there have been a number of small snowfalls and a few medium-sized ones.  We lost power a few times, but only one was for any length of time.  Back in January, we lost power in the middle of the night and it stayed off for about twelve hours.  We hung out in bed for a while, and then we decided to move to the sunroom to take advantage of the sun.  I dressed in layers, dragged the big down comforter off the bed, put sweaters on the dogs, and camped out on the sofa until the power came back on around mid-morning.  Then, as I warmed up, I went about my business.

So did Tiki.

And one hour later:

And then 45 minutes after that...

.....time to do the other side.  It's a tough life.

Number Three

Kirby also wears his sweater well.

Did I mention that he puts his tongue out when he sleeps?

Kirby is still sick and he's going to be sick forever, but he doesn't know he's sick.  All he knows is that he'd rather not go down more that one or two steps on a staircase, and he can't jump up on the sofa any more.  He doesn't act sick either.  His hypermetric gait is more pronounced and he's lost a lot of weight, but he is otherwise completely himself, to include signing his supper song at meal time and trying to escape next door into Lucy's yard whenever he can.  We're OK.

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