By now the Azzurri have returned to their clubs and resumed training for the three (!) very big matches this weekend. For a while, though, they were all best buddies. Here's a collection of training and presser photos from the last week or so, "organized" by subject and not by date.

Unfortunately, one smurf was missing.

Come back Quags.
Pressers? Yep. There were pressers.

This must have been an important one if it warranted a tie and a shave.

Nothing's important enough to make Gigi shave. Gigi shaves when Gigi wants to shave. Also, he looks exactly the same at every presser, doesn't he?

This one can't possibly be important if they let Albertino do it.

The new guy is just happy to be here.

Really happy.

Yay! Froggie!

Wha? Oh, for crying out loud. Froggie, don't you know how to look out for your knees?

Oh dear. Sitting alone on the Red Bench of Sad.

Cesare looked reasonably fetching in his red jacket. Ohai Claudio!


Posing with props.

Oh no. If you really want to see this kind of thing, there are loads more over at Dirtbunny's Photobucket account. For me, this one is enough.

Don't judge me.

What do you get when you combine 20 something serious football players, a pool of photographers, and a Notorious Bad Boy/Ticking Time Bomb/Camera Whore?

Mostly, it's just him fucking around while everyone else trains.

What's Mexes doing here? Oh....

Cassano is capable of work....

...really he is (ohai Mauri).

Running, running....

...but only one of them hears "Chariots of Fire" in his head.

BRB. Need to get my sunglasses.

What? He's got troubles. He's seen hard times.

Red Bench of Sad. :(
Ladies and Gentlemen...... Giuseppe Rossi.

Good gravy. That child is wasted in Spain.

1. Socks! 2. What is Stefano doing with his tongue?

What a goober. Don't make me love you, pal.

I feel like I'm only hearing half of the joke.

Cool jacket!

The Bepper and Pazzo.

Pazzo solo, with Xtra "smolder."

Eyelashes again. The Lord knows how much we females spend on mascara, but he gives the eyelashes to the boys.

So there's one--ONE--photo of Monty and wouldn't you know who he's with?

Beppster and the Other Ale.

So pretty.

He's getting ready to lick his lips, isn't he?

It may look like he can control the ball with telekinetic powers, but I'm Juventina and I'm here to tell you, he can't. Dammit.

Matri and ...... umm.........Astori? Did I get it right?



Hi Claudio.

Marco Parolo, getting his first call-up at the ripe age of 26, right before his club gets sent back down to Serie B.

Looks like someone cut Viviano's nose off and he's had to tape it back on.

Sirigu always manages to look slouchy and bored.

The King

I love those gloves. Does anyone know what "C.U.I.T." means?

And you thought we were done with Cassano. Bitch plz

Viviano, without tape and with a normal-looking nose, and .......Astori again? I think I want him to take his shirt off.

If this isn't Astori, someone please tell me.

Cassano and The Walking Dead.

Santon! Kick him off Inter and suddenly he's Azzurri material again.

Speaking of Inter......someone decided this guy is Italian and that playing in a senior match for Brazil when Brazil just happens to field a squad of babies doesn't count as a senior cap. Or something. Well, he's Azzurri now.

Going through hazing.

Let's take a moment and contemplate: Sex Machine. Making sense to anyone yet?

And that's not "Astori" over there on the left, so I will hazard a guess that it's Gastaldello.

Awwwwww. I'll bet his first grade picture looks exactly the same.

Unf. He looks like he could rip Cassano's head right off with one hand.

*pretends Leo is not pretending*

Cassano is telling Gio dirty sex stories. Gio is blushing and giggling and pretending he gets it. Later, he'll have to ask his mother what some of those words mean.

FIGC Spring Collection Catalog, page 36.

Oh, TG. They are actually looking at something real.

He never shuts down, does he? Freak.

Alberto Gilardino's Last Chance

HARK! Be that a smile?

That sneer! I may finally have found someone who understands me.
Let's finish with a practice free kick. Behold--The Wall.

Well. This needs work. Gastaldello is clutching himself, Matri's committing a handball, and Claudio has barely made it off the ground. Gila's the only one working it.
Next match as far as I know is a friendly in June.
1 comment:
I wonder: where these unbielevebly high-resolution pictures come from : | anyway, looking forward for quaglias comeback, hope he scores three times nine goals next season...
2011-2012 season cavalry: matriarella
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