Juventus 2:1 Brescia

Looks like someone's been watching Quags highlight reels.
That's better! The good news is that the zebes can beat a relegation-bound squad when the relegation-bound squad's best players are all suspended or sucking like woah. The bad news is that the zebes are not yet mathematically safe from relegation themselves. Also, late post means I can't remember much, but the photos are better cos Daylife posted photos late themselves. Captiano scored a goal in the run of play, Gigi was not forced to commit any professional fouls to save the match, and Krasic woke up. Vincenzo hurt himself during a training session and is out for the season, which is too bad, but it wasn't like he wasn't always injured anyway and this might give him time to rest and actually recover.

Despite rumors that PDC was coming back, Traore got the start at left back. PDC didn't even make the call-up sheet. :(

Traore is by no means the left back of anyone's dreams, but he's mostly adequate and way better than the other options.

Sorensen and his long furry legs started at right back.

Damn that child is blonde.

*still hoping for Mattia Cassani, and not just for the eye-fucking*

Gio was back in his proper place in the center.

As a result, the defense was a little better than it has been. Still needs work, though.

Diamante is regrowing the Sideshow Bob hair. He must be off his meds. *pats him and calls Zola for an intervention*

I'm getting excited about Leo's hair. What's it going to look like when it's finished?

Pepe showed up with his game face.


Aquilani showed up with his game face.

Claudio showed up with his game face.

Martinez came in as a late sub after the match was won.

Lanza! And his socks!

Matri put in his usual effort, but didn't manage to get it in the hole.

Loooca came on as another late sub. He was fairly anonymous.

What about Milos? Did he finally get a much-needed rest?

No. No he did not. (Also? Played for Serbia this weekend, so no rest there. And took a blatant dive, which won't help his reputation at all.

He was sort of back to his old self, however. He made a few of those runs.

Plus, he scored a goal. I cannot remember a thing about how it happened, but I remember watching the celebration carefully to see if he could muster a smile.

No. No smiles. That just ain't his way.

Yuck. I hope he's blowing kisses to someone in particular and not just generally to his fans. We don't go much for that pageant girl stuff much around here

Speaking of ADP, Capitano was very very happy and gave him a big hug, and I think some nuzzling/smooches.

Why is Claudio so raggedy?

Yeah, I know. Ick. When he got home, I asked him about it and he claimed to have been drunk at the time. I suspect, however, that he has offered himself as a prize to anyone who manages to score a goal, which is a pretty crafty motivational technique and something he ought to have implemented after the Chievo

Milos will accept his prize, but he won't allow himself to have any fun with it.

Dude! Where's my junk?
Do you know how great Alessa is? He has endorsed my plan to have Vincenzo come live here for a while. I'm going to see if I can fix him. I can certainly show him what perpetual grumpiness looks like from the other side, and I think I can get him to unclench I'm thinking lots of yoga, brown rice, and broccoli, and I think I'll start him knitting so he can practice his patience. Either it'll fix him or living here in the suburbs of Our Nation's Capital will kill off his soul once and for all, but either way, we'll have closure.

Ale was in rare form against Brescia.

He looked fresh and energetic the whole match.

Ooh. Pretty!

I remember his goal perfectly well. It wasn't off a free kick or penalty and it wasn't a shot from distance, though I can't say that any of these are photos of the actual goal.

He took the ball in, penetrated past two defenders with little jukes and jives, and BOOM!

DB to Ale's socks: Sag! Fall down!

It was a sweet goal. Well, they all are, but this one looked like it came from someone 15 years younger.

I know. The Tongue.

This version is a little more smiley and a little less RAWR than usual.

Milos: I am overcome with happy.
He flapped the hem of his shirt but decided against stripping, which wouldn't have been any good anyway because of the underlayers.

OK, now there's some RAWR.


All righty. I've splashed some cold water on my face and I feel better now. Also, he's been home for a week now and I can confirm the existence of all the junk anyone would ever need.

There are those eyelashes again. &hearts
He still hasn't signed a new contract.
Next match is Sunday away against Roma. If Pizarro is hurt and Montella insists on playing Doni, the Zebes might have half a chance. *makes mental note to hit the liquor store on Saturday*
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