Monday, August 10, 2009

Luca Lunedi

The call-up sheet for the upcoming Azzurri friendly against Switzerland (boo, Lichsteiner!) is out. Idiot Il Mister Lippi continues to overlook ADP for no apparent reason except perhaps senility or a delusional sort of psychosis. (You will never convince me that ADP is too old and that Quag is better. Never.)

He has also booted Riccardo Montolivo, Rino, and DDR off the squad. (Yeah, his link is in Italian. Do you really want to tell me that you can't figure out what it says?) Oh, and Nicki. It's only a friendly. Nicki and Montolivo aren't really the best at what they do. Rino isn't at peak fitness following a longlonglong absence for injury last season. The DDR omission is inexplicable. Il Mister Lippi, that idiot, is known for punishing players with whom he has had little personal contretemps (for example, Marco Amelia, Antonio Cassano) and DDR is exactly the sort of personality who might get into a contretemps with, well, with just about anyone. The tifosi have all sorts of different opinions about who should be in Azzurri and who should not, but we're unanimous about DDR: he should be in. I assume that this will be rectified before the qualifiers resume.

Ahem. Another omission is our beautiful gormless boy, Loooca. All "meter ninety-six" and 200 pounds of him. That slump was going to catch up with him. Probably no one is surprised.


Maybe he'll get it together and come back. I hope so.

Football is suffering.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to point out to Luca the complicated rule of football requiring you to put the ball in the net to score a goal. After this refresher course, I'm sue he'll improve.