This is the icon that the National Weather Service has been using for the last few days to describe the forecast for today. It is undoubtedly going to be the hottest day of the year so far.
Dirtbunny hates hot weather. And she is cursed. And doomed. So it is only fitting that today we are going to see the Galacticos play DC United at [product placement] Field where the Redskins play. And it is only fitting that game time is 3:00, because it's hard to imagine a hotter time of day than 3:00-5:00.
Dirtbunny is afraid she is going to die in the heat. She'll either cook, dry up, sweat to death, or turn into one red blister and explode. However, Raul will be there. If Dirtbunny doesn't go, she will never find out whether it is possible to be pregnant with two imaginary love-childs from two different fathers at the same time conceived weeks apart. [Little Sleepy is doing well. Thanks for asking.] Science demands that I give it a try.
[Product Placement] field is about, oh, 40-45 minutes from here (in Maryland, again). The game starts in about 4 hours. I'm not sure when we are leaving, but I expect it to take at least 90 minutes of travel time. Maybe more. Thus, the odds of The Man losing his shit in traffic--or worse: the parking lot--are pretty high, and so we have another potential death-of-Dirtbunny scenario to be concerned about. I think I'm going to have to take one of my special Bunny-Be-Calm pills. Wish me luck.
How about Man-Be-Calm pills?
Why not purchase the Best of Rush (Limbaugh) CD and play it when stuck in traffic? The dulcet tones of drug rehabbed reason always soothes the spirit.
You really are trying to kill me, aren't you?
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