Thursday, June 17, 2010

Boing Boing Boing

Today is a Tigger day.

1. I have already done a day's worth of work. A productive Bunny is a happy Bunny, because as we all know, she measures her value according to her accomplishments. It's amazing what not being treated like a stupid person and suspected conspirator can do for one's morale.

2. Two of Bunny's teams are playing/have played today, so there will be excellent footie tonight.

3. I cut Kirby's toenails last night all by myself without having to pay anyone to do it for me and, although there was a shaky moment or two, I did not kill the dog. Hooray! Now he walks a lot quieter.

4. I got Collard Greens in my farm box yesterday. I soooooooo hate them and I was going to just face the truth and throw them out right away but then Ah hed an eyedeear. I'm going to braise them with olives and pancetta and sundried tomatoes and maybe less salt than I used last time I braised greens that way and maybe maybe maybe they'll be palatable! And even if I hate them, Mr. D will eat them because they will contain pork.

5. I also got beets in my farm box and Mr. D has FINALLY admitted that he likes beets now that he has learned, courtesy of moi and my fine cooking, that they are not destined to be slimy, slippery, and mushy. I win!

6. I finished knitting the pieces parts to the Reclamation Cardi yesterday, so tonight I can block the pieces. It's not very humid today, so they should dry this weekend and maybe I can even finish the damn thing!

7. I'm going to the Farragut news store to look for L'uomo Vogue, which is full of glorious and craptastic photos of Azzurri and other guys. With terrible hats! I hope they have it. *crosses fingers*

8. The All Whites pulled out a 92d minute draw with Slovakia, which means the whole group is all tied up and the Azzurri semi-suck from Monday is all canceled out and they have only the two weaker teams left to play. Things are still possible!

9. My hair looks cute today, for once.

10. Cristiano Ronaldo got carded for verbals and the commenter mocked him instead of treating him like a god the way they do in American sports.

11. I love everybody! Hugs all around!

this post powered by senseless euphoria achieved without the help of extra happy pills \o/


Anonymous said...

Senseless euphoria rocks! Woo-hoo! And you do win - your culinary skills have triumphed over the beet-substance, yay! One question, though - what sort of terrible hats do the Azurri wear, exactly? Clown hats? Pimp hats? Fireman hats? And as bad as their hats are, aren't they bettter off than Men Without Hats (rim shot!)?

PS All things ARE better with pork. QED.

Anonymous said...

There are several great raw beet salad recipes in Bitman's cookbook. Try then for a different taste and take on beets.