Sunday, June 13, 2010

WC2010: Day Three

1.   Dirtbunny is all wound up today. It's HHH outside (already), I'm tired and cranky, and Mr. D is making no move to get to the vet for Kirby's refills before they close. He's got about 75 minutes to make a move, or else I'm going to have to go myself. If I have to go myself, that means I have to get dressed, and I was planning on wearing pajama pants all day.

2.   Some critters are eating my 1.8 billion dollar landscaping, which I can't enjoy anyway because it is too hot and too buggy.

3.   God bless Martin Tyler. Of all the ESPN World Cup commenters, he is the only one who refuses to repeat the "one game changes everything" slogan forty times per broadcast, because he knows it makes him look like a tool and it annoys the viewers and because he's about the football, dammit.

4.   John Harkes, who apparently believes that Algeria is playing a mythical nation named "Slovania," makes me ashamed to be a Wahoo. He is a creep and an idiot for many reasons, but anyone with the education he has should be aware enough to learn the names of the non-United States nations playing in the world cup, especially if he is calling their game.

5.   Robbie Green is not a bad goalkeeper, despite what happened yesterday, and the English press is being a bunch of dicks. *pats him*

6.   I  have been working on the pink cabled cardigan for months. It's new name, by the way, is the Reclamation Cardi, because it is being made largely from yarn ripped out of the dear, departed Decimal Cardi, which just didn't manage to keep its slot in the rotation and had to make way. I have a back, two sleeves, and most of two fronts, and I could finish inside two weeks if I devoted myself, and inside one week if I engage my compulsive tendencies. Orrrrrrr, I could spend two or three hours and knock off the Tahoe socks and be done with them.

The Tahoe socks are almost as old as the Reclamation Cardi, but the pattern is a little more engaging and they require more concentration. There is certainly concentration to be had during today's matches (Algeria--Slovenia, Serbia--Ghana, and Germany--Australia), but MAN do I want the Reclamation Cardi to be finished. This dilemma is causing a bit of angst and is contributing to my wound-upedness.

7.   Someone needs to tell the Socceroos that "socceroos" is a pretty lame nickname, even for a laid-back place like Oz.

8.   The Big One (first edition) is domani. Also: Oranje--Denmark. I will be very very busy tomorrow.

9.    Adidas has a new ad that shows DDR for about half a second.

10.   60 minutes to go, or else I'm going to have to get dressed and go to the vet myself.

11.   Looks like my unspoken seething has worked its magic. Mr. D has gone off to do what he's supposed to do. I feel much better now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if anyone told Martin that his broadcast partner single-handedly sunk the US's 1998 WC chances by banging the wife of one of his teammates. Stay classy, John! Like Martin, I also don't give a s--- whether the World Cup is on my frickin' phone. The TV is the TV and the phone is the frickin' phone, fergwawdsakes!

In other news, the irresistsible force of unspoken seething works its magic again. The Emperor was right - the dark side is very powerful with its negative feelings, muhahahahahaha!