Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Bad Day for Dogs
From YB's point of view, the noise is no biggie. However, when the parade circles back around, he can see it coming towards him out the window. Because "his" (really, mine) territory appears to be under attack, he has to bark to scare them away. I had my work at home day today. With Teeks carrying on, I decided to leash him and take him out on the front porch to watch it pass. Ears up, tail wagging, so cute. Thirty seconds was enough to convince him that "his" house was safe and then he wanted back in.
Then there are Jack O'lanterns. Teeks could care less. However, because Jack O'lanterns are unfamiliar objects that sit on the kitchen counter and usually aren't there, they are an object of fear to poor Kirby. He wanted nothing to do with the kitchen today.
But the worst of all is the trick or treaters. The doorbell rings and strangers come to the door and GK has no choice but to drop into a tight turtle on the sofa for the duration. With extra trembling. YB is pretty sure he smells food in that bowl and he wants some and he doesn't see why we are giving it away when there is a starving beagle in the house. He also wants to see everyone who comes to the door, because they all have food too. So there is lunging and some occasional barking and a lot of crazed tail wagging and some "Oh beagles! So cuuuuuute." We have him on the leash so he can't escape when we open the door. Little buddy's all worn out now. He has missed his evening nap with all the excitement.
I may have finally bought the perfect amount of candy. It's almost 8:30 and we have about 6 pieces left. Not enough for Bunny to risk snacking on it, but probably just enough to run out (almost) with the trick or treaters, without gobs of extra sugar for me to worry about tomorrow.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Alpha Dog
For example, what does this look like to you?
Wrong. Yes, YB is snuggling in the puffy bed we bought particularly for our Favorite Boy, but GK is not merely looking out the window. GK is thinking, “I want that bed.” And soon enough we have this:
Then we have some transition period in which GK spends some quality time with his butthole while YB looks to Bunny for assistance with the interloper:
Then everyone settles down. GK ends up with the good window view and comfy position, and YB ends up resting his chin on the floor.
And so it goes. Competing for the prime spot next to Dirtbunny works the same way. GK simply decides if he wants it, and if he does, he takes it, and YB yields.
This only sort of applies in food situations. YB always finishes first, then he goes to GK’s supper dish and waits. He only horns in if GK steps away from the bowl. However, GK is likely to step away from the bowl to check in on Bunny, so we supervise supper time to make sure YB isn’t overeating because he’s trying to lose weight. Treats are another matter entirely. YB will go after every crumb that GK drops, and will attempt to steal the really good stuff (i.e. pig ear) directly from GK’s mouth.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The War on Stank
Dirtbunny's Big Day
Bunny is so mean! What is she doing in there? Unfair to beagles!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Rainy Day
Also, I finished the dog sweater, which is great. The dog sweater yarn has been sitting in the stash for about a year. The problem is I used up one whole skein and parts of four other skeins, but I still have SEVEN skeins left,
...because I was math-impaired on the day I ordered this yarn online. I could easily make two additional dog sweaters and still have four skeins left. This knowledge (that I have seven leftover skeins) is far more stress-inducing than the idea that I had unused yarn in the stash that was intended for something, because now I have leftovers with no plan at all. Oh, and most of it is off-white, which is not a good color for Man mittens or socks, and there isn’t enough left for an adult-sized sweater. Every time I add leftovers to the leftover pile, I freak out a little bit. What exactly is one supposed to do with enough sock yarn to make half a sock? I can’t throw it away, obviously. Maybe I can burn it for fuel or use it to insulate the attic.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday Morning
The Boys have different Sunday morning bed styles. This is GK:
He also likes to be all snuggly under the covers and will not get out until forcibly removed. So far, his bladder has lasted as late as 10:30 without incident, although we aren't really conducting a test. I think he'd stay under the covers until his bladder exploded.
This is YB:
He has been asleep all night and wants your attention. He will stab you with The Paw Of Demand to get it. He will put his nose under/around the edge of the paper to get at you. He has even been known to bat at the paper with The Paw of Demand. This continues until he gets off the bed and starts to wander around. This means that The Man has about 90 seconds to get YB outside before he makes a puddle. Ordinarily, The Man works on retrieving his pants and shoes while Dirtbunny follows YB around putting his collar on him so he can go out and distracting him from the leg of the coffee table. If it takes too long, GK will get out of bed to look for Bunny.
Most days, Bunny gets back in bed while YB waters the plants. When he's done, he can't wait to see Bunny again. I can usually hear him run up the driveway towards the house and then gallop down the hall to get to me. I better put my coffee mug down or it'll spill when he tries to tackle me.
On weekdays, I try to have about 15 minutes of cuddle time before I get up and get ready for work, but lately, it's been dark in the mornings and nobody wants to get up for snuggles. Me neither, but I have a 1.8 billion dollar deck to pay for
My weekend without cable
No cable Chez Nous means no DVR, no high-definition digital TV, and no internet. I am composing this post Sunday morning, but who knows when I’ll be able to post it. This means we could not watch the Wahoos beat the Turtle last night in football. The Washington Post headline was something like “Turtle loses by a whisker” but it could have said “Wahoos win by a whisker” (“Wahoos crush overrated inferior local favorite”; “Wahoos show Turtle that ability to read translates to victory on gridiron”; “Even sucky Wahoos overwhelm commuter-college Turtle”). You can see what we Wahoos are dealing with up here inside the Beltway.
Also, no cable means The Man had to watch baseball over the rabbit ears on the 13-inch TV I bought in law school for about $100. We are looking at the same with today’s Redskins and baseball games. The Man is not happy.
So what does a TV addict do when cable goes out? Why, she watches DVDs! Duh. Bunny and The Man are trying to catch up with Heroes Season 1 from Netflix before we watch the season 2 episodes we have stored on the DVR. We love this show. You have your bad-asses, your sad-sacks, your evil villains, your gangsters, your smarmy politicians, your consplosions, your sloppily predictable plot developments, and your implausibly stupid geneticists who are hanging out with the bad guy and are inexplicably unable to read all of his creepy clues to figure out that he’s the bad guy. Duh.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Closet cleaning
And with all the open closet doors today, I have fished him out of my yarn stash once and out from behind the suitcases another time. The yarn stash rawhide (don’t worry—the yarn is protected inside Ziploc bags) I’m retrieving later when he isn’t looking because it apparently spent some time underground outside....
....and is too filthy for beagles, no matter what YB thinks. The suitcase rawhide has already been given back to YB for reburial, and he has just showed up without it, so I’ll look in the sofa cushions later. If it’s in my closet, the sofa or chair cushions, or the bed, I’ll dig it out and save it for later. If it’s in The Man’s closet, it stays. I don’t go in The Man’s closet, and if he doesn’t want beagles digging around in there, then he should learn to close the door.
Hey, Bunny! Whatcha doin out there? Kirby come with?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Finally, Bunny and The Man had to go shopping at Target on a Saturday and Bunny sez Hey The Man, let's go next door and look at the dogs. And The Man sez OK. So we go next door and look at the doggies and who should be there but NILES! Joy joy joy!
I should mention here that not all the dogs go to all the adoption events every weekend, so it was a mighty profound coincidence that brought Bunny and Niles together on that March 25. We were meant to be together.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Bunny visits the vampire
Dirtbunny has a medical condition that means she has to get routine blood work done several times a year. This means a trip to the vampire. These trips cause Bunny a lot of angst:
- Bunny does not particularly care for needles and has a hard time believing that they really need to completely fill all those vials.
- Bunny has been poked by the vampire enough times that her veins are getting hard to find. This results in more poking and more pain.
- Bunny is supposed to fast for 12 hours before she goes. Two points result from this:
- She has to go early in the morning before coffee. This is bad for Bunny, bad for the vampire, and bad for the American people.
- Nothing makes Bunny want to eat more than not being allowed to for 12 hours.
Also, because of Bunny's medical condition, she is on the "Special Needs" list for flu shots aaaaand it's flu shot time, so this morning, Bunny killed two birds with one stone and got vampired and flu shotted. The vampire thing went fine. The Special Needs flu shot stuff is another matter.
First of all, there's the name. Special Needs. To me, that conjures up images of children who wear bike helmets all the time. "Special Needs" is a gentler label than the ones you will hear around the 1970s school yard I grew up in, but we all know exactly what it means, and I don't really want to be one.
Two, perhaps you don't know who is Special Needs for flu shots. According to my HMO's website, these people include health care workers who directly care for patients, pregnant women, babies and people who are frequently around babies, people with chronic health conditions (like moi), and OLD PEOPLE.
At my HMO, the largest group of Special Needs flu shot people is composed of the aged. Old People freak me out. They tend to be friendly and want to talk to me, especially when I'm knitting, which I usually am because I knit in waiting rooms. I hate talking to strangers because I'm misanthropic and shy. I am also hearing impaired. I have a really hard time hearing and understanding many old people and their soft, quavery voices. So I feel at an enormous disadvantage when they try to engage me in conversation. But, really, who wants to be rude to old people? Even Dirtbunny is not that much of an asshole. Plus, many of them are there with caregivers, or they have oxygen, or are in wheelchairs, or walk with canes. Bunny worries a lot about becoming infirm (but not enough to take charge of her health) and doesn't like to be reminded about this.
Then there is the other kind of Old Person. This is the booming, physically still vital, but mentally starting to decline sort of person. Last year there was one who spoke at the top of his voice for fifteen minutes about being 80 something years old and storming the beach at Normandy and blah blah blah. All Bunny could think was "Shut it, old timer." So Bunny is misanthropic and an asshole and the line was really long that day, but if he had been there today, Bunny would probably have reacted differently.
Sometimes Bunny cannot get it together well enough to get through a routine day comfortably. Getting up, commuting, working, daily chores, all of it seems too much. And my life is easy compared to most. I cannot even imagine being half my current age (i.e., being stupider and possessing fewer coping skills) and facing a combat situation. How do ordinary people get through a day of war? How could they stand it? This loud old coot did something unimaginably difficult and helped to save us from fascism. I'll never understand it, but I am finally finding some compassion for it. If he'd been in line today, I would probably have fought through the caffeine-deprived crankiness and cut him a break.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Thank Goodness He's Back
Above, we see YB (who needs to be the center of attention) approaching from the left as Bunny documents his misbehavior.
Finally, however, The Man returned from PBU and things returned to normal.
Dirtbunny blocked The Man's sweater for the third time in an effort to stretch it out enough to fit The Man's manly shoulders.
Progress was made on the Economy Plan:
Also, the following was achieved in re facial products:
- Bunny decanted the travel-sized bottle of toner into the regular-sized bottle of toner.
- Bunny used up one regular-sized bottle of cleanser.
- Bunny refilled the travel-sized bottle of cleanser from the other regular-sized bottle of cleanser.
- Bunny used up one tub of moisturizer.
Net reduction in facial products: 3
Today is one of Dirtbunny's favorite days. It's Columbus Day, which is a Federal holiday for reasons that Bunny does not understand. However, it means no work and usually, although not this year, it means excellent weather. This year, we are back to HHH weather, so Bunny is going to stay inside and watch The War.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
That's why we call him the Yarn Bandit.
At last sweet brown elixir of life. Slip me a slug from the wonderful mug and I'll cut a rug just snug in a jug. A sliced up onion and a raw one. Draw one. Waiter, waiter, percolator, I love coffee, I love t----
Last time I saw you, you were in the green knitting bag over th----
HEY! That's not right!
What happened to the----HEY!
[This is the treadmill, sometime exercise device and storage facility for YB's beagley trophies. GK doesn't keep trophies.]
[Here you can see Piggy and Squirrel, which belong to GK, and the orange thing, which belongs to YB]
Sock: Unmolested. He could have chewed the Nylabone, but no, he had to have the sock. Looks like he didn't eat any yarn this time. Sock is OK. Whew. Hoser.
I get out the camera so I can show The Man what a bad boy YB has been, when who should decide to grace us with his presence? I hear him coming, his little toenails of destruction clicking on the hardwood floor, the unmistakable gait of his waddle clearly identifying him as YB and not GK. He wanders by me, taking no notice of me or the crime scene. He waddles past and climbs into his favorite dog bed (which does not belong to him but to GK).
Not a shred of remorse.
That'll learn me from going out without him.
Monday, October 1, 2007
I do have a connection out here.
YB has found himself a sunny spot, where he will sit and cook his beagle brain until he is just short of the point where he starts to convulse, at which point he goes and sits in the shade and pants for a while. GK goes where I go, so the weather is immaterial as far as his location is concerned. When it's nice, like today, he sits under my chair and smiles, lifting his beagle snout up to sniff the breeze from time to time.
I might have mentioned that I sold my future to buy some landscaping, including this here deck that I'm enjoying right now. This has led to a period of relative austerity Chez Nous. I actually eat the food in the fridge most of the time now instead of waiting for it to rot and then throwing it out. I only send out The Man for takeout when I'm really desperate. Also:
This must go. Before long, it will be too cool to enjoy G&T. The tonic water that I spent less than a dollar on four or five months ago must be consumed, because the bottle is open and it will go flat if I don't drink it and flat tonic water is evil, but I can't throw away .75 liters of tonic water that I spent less than a dollar on because that would be wasteful and we need all our money to pay the bill collectors. (Yes, I went to college. I took Econ 101 AND Econ 102. I know what a sunk cost is.) The Man and I have had G&T maybe three times this year but, by God, we WILL finish this bottle of tonic water before it goes flat even if it means a week of hangovers.