YB has found himself a sunny spot, where he will sit and cook his beagle brain until he is just short of the point where he starts to convulse, at which point he goes and sits in the shade and pants for a while. GK goes where I go, so the weather is immaterial as far as his location is concerned. When it's nice, like today, he sits under my chair and smiles, lifting his beagle snout up to sniff the breeze from time to time.
I might have mentioned that I sold my future to buy some landscaping, including this here deck that I'm enjoying right now. This has led to a period of relative austerity Chez Nous. I actually eat the food in the fridge most of the time now instead of waiting for it to rot and then throwing it out. I only send out The Man for takeout when I'm really desperate. Also:
This must go. Before long, it will be too cool to enjoy G&T. The tonic water that I spent less than a dollar on four or five months ago must be consumed, because the bottle is open and it will go flat if I don't drink it and flat tonic water is evil, but I can't throw away .75 liters of tonic water that I spent less than a dollar on because that would be wasteful and we need all our money to pay the bill collectors. (Yes, I went to college. I took Econ 101 AND Econ 102. I know what a sunk cost is.) The Man and I have had G&T maybe three times this year but, by God, we WILL finish this bottle of tonic water before it goes flat even if it means a week of hangovers.
Where was I?
Oh yes. So this is my collection of moisturizers, exfoliating lotions, scrubs, masques, night repair concoctions, toner (what the hell is that for?), cleansers, and "daily peel pads." Not counting the stuff I keep in the shower and one bottle in the medicine chest that I forgot to bring out for the group photo. Or the stuff in my desk drawer at work. My skin would probably be OK if I stopped picking at it. And anyway, it offends me that I am supposed to be all frugal now and I have all this crap sitting around. This accumulation of stuff represents a ridiculous expense that, cumulatively, might represent about one-half of one of my credit card payments. How can I possibly justify that? I really really really want to use it all up. NOW! So I can be frugal, see. Get it?
Ahem. I figure I have at least a year's worth of moisturizer without sunscreen. I rarely use that, since I am pale and Celtic of complexion and need the sunscreen. The no-sunscreen stuff is only for days when I don't leave the house. There are more of those than you might think, but not enough to get through three different bottles/tubs in the next week.
The Economy Plan. We are cutting back on discretionary expenses. No, no, we aren't getting rid of the maid, dogwalker, or digital cable. Silly reader. On Bunny Planet, the Economy Plan means obsessing about half-empty bottles of tonic water and umpteen expensive skin-care products for which the money is already gone.
Don't worry. I already have a therapist, and The Man says I'm not allowed to cut back on therapy, no matter how much we have to cut back.
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