For example, what does this look like to you?
Wrong. Yes, YB is snuggling in the puffy bed we bought particularly for our Favorite Boy, but GK is not merely looking out the window. GK is thinking, “I want that bed.” And soon enough we have this:
Then we have some transition period in which GK spends some quality time with his butthole while YB looks to Bunny for assistance with the interloper:
Then everyone settles down. GK ends up with the good window view and comfy position, and YB ends up resting his chin on the floor.
And so it goes. Competing for the prime spot next to Dirtbunny works the same way. GK simply decides if he wants it, and if he does, he takes it, and YB yields.
This only sort of applies in food situations. YB always finishes first, then he goes to GK’s supper dish and waits. He only horns in if GK steps away from the bowl. However, GK is likely to step away from the bowl to check in on Bunny, so we supervise supper time to make sure YB isn’t overeating because he’s trying to lose weight. Treats are another matter entirely. YB will go after every crumb that GK drops, and will attempt to steal the really good stuff (i.e. pig ear) directly from GK’s mouth.
I always enjoy reading about the dogs. But how can I tell them apart? And why does YB give in so easily?
Great to see GK and YB have such a good home.
It was difficult for most to determine which of our previous pair of beagles, Buffett & Tequila was the alpha dog. Tequila appeared to rule the roost most of the time. Buffett would not think of trying to get into the same bed with her. She would growel if he got to close. However, if there was food around the roles suddenly and emphatically reversed. Buffett would eat anything, anywhere, anytime in any available quantity. He would muscle Tequila out of the way to get at any morsel that hit the floor. If she protested she would be reminded who was the real alpha dog and sulk for a couple days.
Buffett and Tequila have passed on to beagle heaven (if there is any justice in this world). We now have PitStop and Caution (yes we are NASCAR fans). They are both whimps and neither has the stuff of an alpha dog.
We have an invisible fence restricting our two hunters to about an acre of lawn and woods. Life is good (and loud!) when a squirrel ventures to ground, a chipmunk comes out of its den or a neighbor's cat takes a wrong turn into our yard.
They are an endless source of entertainment and the best cure to a lousy day at work. Without fail they are always excited and happy to see us come home. It sounds like you are similarly blessed.
I have added a How do you tell them apart entry to the FAQ.
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