Sunday, February 3, 2008

His Brains are Still in his Nose

Kirby cannot/will not jump. When he wants to be on the sofa or on the chair or on the bed, he does a little dance routine, sometimes accompanied by getting up on his hind legs, front legs on the sofa/bed, until he creates enough of a ruckus that he gets what he wants, i.e., someone picks him up and puts him where he wants to go.

Three times, and three times only, he has gotten up without help. Once, he got onto the bench at the foot of the bed. That's a pretty big jump, and he had to start from the hardwood floor, where there's no traction. Once, he got onto the sofa at the old folks' home. That was a much lower jump, and he got an assist from the rug.

This morning, he got onto the sofa here at home. A medium sized jump, and he went from one of his pads to the sofa, so he had some traction. He was down, and then he was doing his dance, and then he had his front paws up on the sofa cushion, and then he was up. Foom! All done. And he settled in as if nothing unusual had happened. We Good Boy'ed him in the hopes it would encourage him to try again, and we left his pad there so he'd have a secure traction sarting point.

It is as if it never happened. His tiny brain has forgotten that he can get up on the sofa all by himself. We are back to the pathetic dance.

Funny thing, though. He will go to great lengths to get next to his Bunny. Once he's there, however, he gives her the butt and ignores her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only he could remember.......