This is a recent note from our dog walker:
“Good walk today—they both peed several times and Tiki pooped. We met a
yellow Lab from afar* (neither dog was too impressed) and all went well until
the mailbox below your yard. Like Kirby has never seen it before...”
He’s getting better. Some days he pays no attention to the mailbox and walks right by with no struggle. But the dog walker is right. He’s lived here for 22 months and goes by the same mailbox two or three times a day, and still has trouble with it.
*That would be Eden. Eden spends a lot of time off-leash enjoying the sunshine from the front steps of her humans’ house. Sometimes, however, she wanders a little. She’s a nice girl and causes no trouble, despite her humans’ flagrant disregard for the leash laws. Recently, she wandered enough to warrant the posting of “Lost Dog” flyers. She has since returned home safely, but her humans still let her wander around off-leash at will. I don’t get it. My dogs are happy here and would not, I think, “run” away, but they might get distracted by a good smell and end up lost. We’ve already had one lost dog and I think it came close to killing The Man before we got her back. We learned our lesson. Eden’s family has not.
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