Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Thunderstorm

Rush hour here in the Nation's Capital means a good chance of thunderstorms every day during the summertime. My meteorologist buddy told me it has to do with warm air coming east over the blue ridge and hitting our humidity, or something like that. YB is no fan of thunderstorms. Before his idiot former owners gave him to the pound, they used to keep him tied up outside all the time. I'm guessing that he's experienced a few too many thunderstorms up close and personal, and he isn't completely confident that he's safe in here unless he can figure out a way to actually climb inside my skin, which he's not allowed to do. The next best thing is to get as close as he can on the outside of the Dirtbunny. When I am at the computer, like now, that means sitting on my feet and trembling.

Oddly, Kirbypants will hide from the storm if I'm not nearby, but if he can sit down next to me, he'll just go to sleep. Bunny is here. All is well. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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