Wednesday, June 18, 2008

They Call Him El Puto

Yes, Bunny got trained yesterday. Meet her teacher:

Recognize this?

Sure you do. That's a hotel conference room chair. They're backtastic! So Bunny got there and spread out her training materials:

That's a sleeve, a dress, two socks, a cuppa Joe, a The New Republic, and a training binder. Then Bunny put her camera away so she wouldn't freak out the other trainees. We'll talk more about what Bunny accomplished some other time.

Today was a work at home day. Bunny dropped her mechanical pencil and didn't pick it up right away, and this happened:

No, it didn't get those chew marks upon impact with the floor, and it didn't just pop its spring like that. It had help. From him:

You may think he looks pretty innocent in this photo, but the Truth is that he has commandeered The Man's place on the sofa. He's balled himself up tightly, almost defensively. His body language says


and he means it. See how no one's touching him? The Man has retreated to a chair on the other side of the room. If Kirby breathes too loud and disturbs His Majesty's slumber, there will be growling.

It's a little hard to believe that three hours ago, he was a sad, frightened, tiny little thing desperately looking for safety from the rain. Not such a tough guy then.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't that instructor teach at the University of Twerpland? And the chair surely is better than sitting on the ground and rubbing two sticks together to start a fire. Quit complaining - you could be in a profession that actually requires you to do something to retain your job like US Senator.

Anonymous said...

That's poquito puto grande to you, paleface! And he earned his right to my, I mean, that, place on the couch by his overwhelming cuteness! So there!


The Stranger