Saturday, June 14, 2008

El Futbol

Why is MLS so very very boring? And why, if MLS is so boring, is European pro soccer so exciting? We are watching Euro 2008 on ESPN2. We record the weekday games on the DVR and watch them when we get home, and we are enthralled. We loved World Cup 2006 and we tried watching some U.S. soccer, but it sucked, so we quit. These euros, however, are thrilling.
Also, why are sweaty soccer players so utterly and completely hot? In real life, I see a sweaty man and I want him to take a shower before he gets anywhere near me. On TV, however, give me a sweaty, 193 cm Italian soccer player and my reaction is pretty much the opposite.
The Boys are less enthralled:

Do you still think they look alike?


Anonymous said...

Do I still think theylook alike? What a question? Of course not - one wears a blue collar and one a red collar. I assume they also wear nametags so that even old people can avoid the embarrassment of calling them by the wrong name. YB however is an adherent to the old adage, call me anything you want just don't call me late for dinner.

Anonymous said...

I'll remind you of this post when I come inside from mowing the lawn. You've been warned!

Anonymous said...

So you like tall Italians? Could it be genetic?

Anonymous said...

OK, so now that your obvious favorites, the Italians are out, are you rooting for the Ruskies? Or the Turks?