Friday, December 24, 2010

Dirtbunny wishes you a very beagle Christmas

So's me and Mr. D were out for about an hour and a half just now and on the way home, I thought "The dogs are not going to be happy with this."  Tiki in particular has a penchant for staging protests when people are not home at his suppertime or when people go out after suppertime.  Also, he has a thing for paper.  And so I thought "That dog is going to show his displeasure by attacking the Christmas presents."

And lo!

It was only the one.  Big mess, but no particular harm done.  If it's chewed a little at the corner, it will fit in nicely with the rest of my books.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Tiki's way of adding his je ne sais quoi to everything in his environment. Food, furniture, presents, yarn, it all says, "We belong to Tiki." And it does.