I think I must have at least 100 photographs of knitting works in progress to show you. I'll make some cuts to whittle it down, but let's start with 5.
About three years ago, I made my mother a pair of orange socks. The yarn was a bamboo fiber, and it did not wear well. Bamboo yarn is not good for socks. Lesson learned.
My mother got a kick out of them, however, and I saw a skein of orange wool, so I bought it and started some new ones:
Actually, I finished the first one yesterday.
I'm still crazy for this pattern paired with this color. I hope this pair lasts longer.
Also, at long last, I am done with the dog sweater yarn. (Oh crap. That's not exactly true. There are leftovers I was going to use to make fair isle hats. Whatever. Let's pretend.) When Kirby was new, I bought yarn for something like 8 or 9 dog sweaters, because I was obsessed. It turns out that a dog can't express gratitude for the gift of a sweater (who knew?). It turned out that one well-fitting sweater per dog is enough. It took a while to realize how ridiculous I was being, although some of the adventures were lots of fun, and I ended up with yarn for dog sweaters I no longer intended to make, and I needed new projects for them.
So I made scarves. The first one has bell-shaped ends. It looked really nice in the pattern book.
The second is a simple mistake rib.
The yarn sheds and I hate it. Never buying it again.
I love the last photo of the scarf in its natural habitat. <3 And it's a bummer that yarn is such crap, cos it really looks lovely.
Orange Socks--wow!!! I love orange socks. They're always a conversation starter--and I get to brag about how great the artisan is too!
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