Gee. I wonder what the 29s are for? *smirk*
I have to wonder how many of you are still out there. Spams have been slow in coming, I know, but I thought maybe I'd finish the year with some make-up spams and see if I can bring everyone up to date before the winter mercato starts bringing us actual facts instead of crazy rumors.
First up, Palermo!
My historical perspective doesn't go back very far, but the pinks are a team I fear. It seems full of pissed-off ex-zebras who get off (and who wouldn't) on making the suits eat it by smacking Juve around on the pitch. The boyz had racked up 10 unbeaten matches, so surely this would be the one where they crash and burn.

Il Mister found some things to complain about, and so did I (more later), but the truth is I remember very little about this match. All I can do is share a handful of my favorite photos from the match.

Marchisio was Player of the Month for October.

As if that wasn't enough, he rewarded us all with a little tongue.

wake up, Sleepy
Oh. And he scored.

Geez. Whatta beauty.

I know exactly what to do with this.

Big Ugly Monster didn't score a goal, but he did give us some insight into the rarely-seen mating habits of monsters. Cheryl

Yeah. Pepe scored too. His shin guards say "Simone Pepe." That's another one who makes it harder for me to make fun of Milos for his lack of imagination.

The Pepster has gotten comfortable with scoring goals. He no longer runs around all "Do you love me now? Do you? Please?" He has invented a goal celebration. Based on golf. He putts into the corner flag, see, and then he lifts the flag out of the hole to see if the "ball" to see if it went in. I hate golf with the burning fire of a thousand of Fabio Grosso's tanning lamps. Alessa did a golf swing as a celebration once, but I threatened to tie him down and pluck out his eyelashes one by one with a tweezer if he did it again, and he hasn't because he's a good boy.

Giorgio: OMG Dude. You're a bigger dork than I am! That's really sad!
Raise your hand if you want the humble, needy Pepe back.
Speaking of eyelashes...

Ale Matri got a goal as well. You know what that means.

Oh, brother.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt so badly if he changed the face that goes along with it.
Aside from the three goals, a recent trip to Photobucket revealed two more football glories.

That hair. My goodness.

And some man-love between fabulous brutish giants.
Lazio 0:1 Juventus
Next, a trip to the capitale for a match with Lazio, a team that scares the shit out of me. It's too bad, although maybe not a huge surprise, that Djibril Cisse has returned to Prima Donna douchebag status. On the other hand, I'm a bit surprised, but happy, that Miro Klose is experiencing a renaissance. Anything that makes Louis van Gaal look like a moron is fine with me.

If Miro can manage to have his renaissance without scoring against the Zebes, so much the better. Get 'im, Chiello!
Pepe scored again.

Oh dear.

This is getting a bit out of hand.

Mister agrees. He's demented, but classy.

Poor Rocchi. *pats him*
OK, now I know I'm on record as a Marchetti-ho, and that I even defended his hair.

I still love him, and I'm still his ho, but I'm not blind, and I can't defend the indefensible. His hair. Is bad.

Marchetti who? *purrs*

I can't remember what I was talking about. Oh yes. Lazio.

Claudio brought the tongue.

Andrea brought the rawr. I haven't seen much Pirlo-rawr since Gigi's save against Mutu's PK in the Euros, but check it. He rawrs.

He's rawring and working. I know I dwell on how alive he is this season, but I don't want to take it for granted.

His hair was MOTM. Obviously.

Big Ugly Monster was pumped.

Jackerini was exactly what you'd want in an Energizer Bunny. Um, energy, and a lot of zipping around.

The World's Greatest. le sigh

Man love. Yummy, yummy.
Are you with me? It's November 26 and Juventus is still unbeaten. Up next, however, is the San Paolo. It could be the scudetto showdown. What will happen? Stay tuned.
While you're waiting, you'lll be happy to know that there's something called "Area 21" at the new stadium. They try to make it sound really fancy and stuff and maybe it is. Fancy enough for Claudio to attend opening ceremonies.

I'd like to help him rip those jeans.
However, shopping and restaurants? That, my friends, is a mall. A mall at the stadium. Gee, they want you to spend money at the stadium. What a novel concept.
PR flunkie: Hey ragazzi! You know what would make an awesome photo op? He's a football player, right? Let's have him kick the ball? Won't it be great?!!

Because when you want to kick a football around a little, the mall is the place to go.
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