Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Who's Your Dirtbunny?

To the dismay of certain someones, we have been out of greenies for quite some time. The Amazing Dirtbunny has made a trip to the dog bakery which, despite its name, is not a place where they bake dogs, and has stocked up on some faves:

We have your greenies, your little chicken thingies, and your wheat-free non-itchy cookies in the cheese flavor and the apple flavor.

Some of us are ever hopeful:

Others of us say, if you ain't giving me one now,

Then leave me alone, Dirt-bitch.

That Yarn Bandit has quite a mouth on him.

P.S. I'm still sick. Day 25. My doctor says I need to be patient and give the antibiotics a chance to work. Fuck that. I want my lungs back. Did I quit smoking for nothing?


Anonymous said...

Shame on you, Tiki-dude! Where's the soap? Soap first, then greenies.....

Anonymous said...

We are sorry to learn that you are still sick. But quitting smoking is always a possitive in the long run. How is the man holding up through this ordeal? All your loyal readers send him their sympathy.

Dog bakery??? Is this a new asian restaurant?

On a completely different topics, recently saw Clay Aiken, one of your all time favs, in Spamalot in the Big Apple. He seemed to have a claque in the audience, were you there? Spamalot was very funny and full of the puns and self mockery that make you pause before laughing; including a song that included the chorus "this song goes on too long."

However for two hours of roll on the floor, tears running down your cheeks, gasping for air laughter see Boeing, Boeing. Currently with Christine Baranski, Gerg German, Misty Pyle, and the unbelievable Mark Rylance. Just a warning, Wisconsin is mocked in this show.

Anonymous said...

Have you included your virus in your blog? I seem to have caught your cold, although not yet the respiratory system part of it. I seem to be stuck at the sore throat and runny nose phase.