Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Champions League

Yes, it's back. And Chelsea are playing Liverpool, and we are rooting for Liverpool. But Dirtbunny loves Petr Cech so much, despite his unfortunate association with Chelsea, that she is calling him up, now, before she knows the results of the game.

Petr Cech, Czech Republic International, Chelsea goalkeeper, helmet-wearing-massive-head-injury-that-nearly-killed-him survivor, gets along well with Gigi (we want Gigi to be happy), and looks like a superhero in his under layers:

I'll be planted in front of the tube for the rest of the evening. Don't bother me.


Anonymous said...

No American Idol??

No Biggest Loser???

No Nova??

What is the world coming to? Are you unamerican? Rhetorical question, considering you are ignoring day two of MLB.

And how about the NCAA annual hypocrosy event? How can "March Madness" end in April?

Anonymous said...

Thank God for FC Porto!