Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Slave to the List

That's it, people. I've been working hard all day, and I hereby quit. I am not going to finish the to-do list unless I give up every joy life has to offer. Here are some things that are not going to get done today:

  1. I am not going to clear off the dining room table. Dirtbunny regulars will remember that the dining room table is where Bunny dumps her detritus. Right now, it is loaded with papers from Uncle Sam, the contents of my commuting bag, various knitting projects, my glasses (probably, at least I hope that's where they are or else I am screwed), today's paper (unread), The Man's peacoat (not hung up, ever), Kirby's breakfast dish from the oncologist (they don't carry his special anti-itch food, so I have to pack it for him every morning), and Bunny's handbag, which itself contains puhlenty of junk and needs to be cleaned out.
  2. Clean the bedroom. All I really have left to do is finish making the bed. I changed the sheets today but I hate making the bed. The mattress is heavy and I have to lift it to tuck in the covers properly. Yes, I'm sure you're all very surprised to hear that Bunny has to have the bedcovers done just so. When the maid changes the sheets, we rip it all out and start over again. Imagonna let The Man do this when he gets home.
  3. Loooca. OK. He wasn't really on the list, but being realistic, I'm not leaving the house for the rest of the day, so it doesn't really matter where he is. I am not going to run into him, so it is not his lucky day.
  4. I am not going to finish up the Bayern match from two weeks ago. The DVR is very busy recording World Cup qualifiers and I don't want to eff up the recordings. Plus Massi wasn't playing and Looca was injured, so no eye candy except Michael Rensing, and the team they were playing was dreadful, so few strikes on the goal and therefore very little camera time for Mikey.
  5. I am not going to clean the kitchen counters. I did that once already, but then I made lunch and now they're a mess again. Fuck it.
  6. Order new yarn. Yeah. I downloaded last week's bank transactions this morning and so there will be no spending of money on yarn until I get paid again, even thought it was going to be really cheap sock yarn. It can wait.
  7. Switch over to the new month's parking pass. That would require leaving the house to go down to the end of the driveway. Not going to happen.
  8. Blog about knitting and new yarn acquisitions. That would be the natural result of clearing off the dining room table, so no.
  9. Make "coral and jade" for dinner. It requires gingerroot, and we're all out. I'll send The Man out for it when he also goes to ...
  10. Pick up the dry cleaning. They're The Man's shirts. Let The Man pick them up. I've never been much of a wifey, and it frightens him when I try to be one now.
  11. Wash the bathroom rugs. I'll get them into the wash, but I can't cross them off the list until they are dry, folded, and in the linen closet. The dryer is slooooow, so I just can't see staying up late enough to see this one through to the end.
  12. Wash the towels. Same deal. They're in the wash now, but whether they'll end the day dry, folded, and put away is doubtful.
  13. Soak and cook black beans. I've got dinners going for the next two days. Them beans can wait. I don't even like them very much anyway.

Here's one thing on the list that I WILL finish today:

  1. Clean Kirby's ears and put medicine on his feet.

He hates it, but I'm not going to put that one off any more.

So, the plan for the rest of the evening:

  1. Pack bag for work tomorrow.
  2. Pack Kirby's breakfast.
  3. Make dinner.
  4. Eat dinner.
  5. Knit on something, but not on the potholder, cuz that's too hard.
  6. Fold the sheets when they're dry and put them away.
  7. Take Yarn Bandit out to water the bushes before he waters the leg of my coffee table again.
  8. Make brownies.
  9. Eat brownies.
  10. Take a shower, finally. Working at home is AWESOME! There's no one here to notice how bad my hair looks.
  11. Boss The Man around and assign him chores to do (he loves that, and that's how he knows that I'm awake).
  12. Watch some futbol, but not the Azzurri, even though they are playing RIGHT NOW! because the cable provider is not running their game against the Hibernians until 1 am, so that game is for tomorrow after work. DON'T TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS. I WANT TO SEE FOR MYSELF.
  13. Look at pictures of Mikey on the Interwebs for a few minutes, then log off the laptop.
  14. Mess with Kirby's ears and feet, because it needs to be done.
  15. Daydream about ADP until The Man gets home.
  16. Go to bed early. Daydream about ADP until I fall asleep.

And that's enough. Bunny over and out.

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