Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Photo Dump and FCDB mercato results part two

The power appears to be back, so onward.

Inspired by that stack of mitt patterns, and annoyed by the single ball of Rowan All-Seasons Cotton I bought because I was going to knit a blue sweater and then they went and discontinued the color, I made these:

These are nice and cushy, but they're cotton, so they stretch out of shape too soon.  Bummer.

However, my biggest finished project of the winter so far is the Fair Isle Cardigan.  First, I got all the pieces parts knitted up:

Then, as you can see, I marked three lines down the front:  one in the center, and one five stitches over on each side.  Then I reinforced the lines with machine stitching, and then, I steeked.

Steek = cut.  I got out the scissors and I cut my sweater down the middle.

Holy crap, but I did it.  Then I folded over the facings and picked up stitches for the button band and I knit the button band and I made buttonholes and I sewed on buttons and I steam blocked it and behold:

So pretty.  I especially love the cable details and the slightly belled sleeves:

Ahhhhhh.  I tried to do this last winter, but I got stuck somewhere and I gave up temporarily.  And now I can steek!

I've also made a lot of progress on the Porpoise Cardi:

I have a back and two sleeves, and I'm casting on the fronts tonight.

And now for footie business.  Fabio Quagliarella is welcomed to FC Dirtbunny with open arms, for reasons that are fairly well documented here.


Anonymous said...

OOOH! It looks so sweet. You must have nerves of steel to do the cutting.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! It is beautiful! I don't think I will ever have the confidence to steek. Please bring it to craft club so that we can admire it in person.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Fair Isle --If it were me the sweater would have to be a pullover because I don't have the gut to cut something so pretty--Good Job!!!!