Dear Professor The Man,
Here is the news du jour.
1) The PG County C.O.s are claiming that the alleged cop-killer whose death in custody was ruled a homicide by the M.E. was a suicide, not a murder. They are supposedly going to cooperate, but only one of them has been interviewed so far. Not that fresh evidence is needed or anything.
2) Dirtbunny went to the yarn store to buy yarn and didn't buy any. SHE BOUGHT NO YARN. Which is not to say that no money was spent at the yarn store, just not on yarn.
3) It's hot here and I'm still waiting for my fruit salad.
4) I ran the dishwasher all by myself. Whether I'll unload it is doubtful.
5) The coffee I made for myself was acceptable, but not as good as I usually get.
6) The Boys got packages in the mail:

Time elapsed between placement of new dog bed on the floor and the above photo: about 10 seconds. El Puto moves fast.

Kirby is still trying to figure out how they work. Here is the step stool pre-Bunny:

...and post-Bunny.

I hope you like the messy glue job and the blurry photo. We'll know if it works by the time you get home.
7) I was gonna pay your bar dues, but you didn't sign the form, so I just paid mine. I did, however, pay the phone bill.
8) The Boys want me to hurry up and finish so I can feed them.
9) I cleaned up the mess from the yarn crawl.
10) The gash on the side of the Volvo is still ugly. Real ugly. Yoogly. Real real yoogly.
Most sincerely yours,