Before the 1.8 billion dollar landscaping project, we had quite a jungle back there. We had a crumbling stone retaining wall with all sort of nooks and crannies for sheltering various critters. Mostly birds and insects. Some spots made good
hidey-holes for whatever it is squirrels are burying out there. But the best tenant we had was a family of chipmunks.
I love chipmunks, and not just because Chip and Dale are the funniest cartoon ever.

Anyhoo, they came and ripped out all the nooks and crannies and dug out all the bushes and the ivy and virginia creeper and all the hidey-holes and birds and critters went away.
Until now.

He's Back!
He's back, and he brought acorns and beer!
Is Chip and Dale funnier than Jim Gilmore? ... funnier than Bill and Hillary? ... funnier than Eric Cantor?
I see your point about Gilmore, et al. My take on it is that politicians who become objcts of ridicule are not really funny. They are sad, but less sad than the constituents who end up being represented by them. Bill had an amazing opportunity to do something, and he squandered it. Gilmore is just a cynical liar who'll say whatever he thinks the rednecks will believe to get get elected (I am still paying a car tax, by the way, not that I mind doing so), and now we find out he is a crook, too. Rome is burning. Hello? It's about more than your ego, folks.
So yes, Chip and Dale is funnier. wet-your-pants funny.
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