Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beer Commercials

So I'm sitting here waiting for the big rain we were supposed to get but, like the Union Army, it's marching around in the Shenandoah and leaving us alone (of course, where I live was occupied by the Union forces throughout the war). And I was watching last night's "The Daily Show" on the DVR and two things happened.

  1. They made fun of John Ashcroft's testimony before the Congress, and I felt a little sorry for him. Remember how, in the fall of 2000, he seemed like a big, scary, arch conservative who was going to use his office as Attorney General to turn us back to the 17th century and all hell was going to break loose and good liberals everywhere were shaking in their Birkenstocks? Nearly 8 years later, and he seems like a fairly reasonable and moderate person by comparison. Moral of the story: it can always get worse.
  2. The Miller Lite version of "Beer Heaven" featured a mermaid and I was once again faced with this question: What is it with men and mermaids? They would seem to rank right up there in the sexual fantasy department with Wonder Woman, Catholic school girls in uniform (with knee socks), naughty nurses, and Princess Leia in her gold bikini (for men of a certain generation). I don't get it. Guys, the best you are ever going to do with a mermaid is rub up against her, because she's missing a few key below-the-waist orifices. Can anyone explain this?


Anonymous said...

I explain it this way: Men have retarded musings that they stupidly fail to think through to their logical conclusions. Feel free to apply this insight to other areas where you feel puzzled by male behavior.

Anonymous said...

"Splash" taught the male population that mermaids become women if kept out of water.

However, the Carrie Fisher fantasy is beyond me.

Fantasy is good because it keeps the pea-brained off the internet and away from leadership in the Senate and House where they can do real damage.