I leave you for a short while with this thought. Because I work for Uncle Sam, the lobby of my employer contains an official portrait of POTUS. Because my agency is the Teeny Tiny Government Entity (and does not have its own depression-era monstrosity of an office building with an ornate ceremonial lobby located far away from the worker bees), and I'm not special enough to warrant my own private bathroom, I have to go through the lobby every time nature calls. Granted, I don't have to share the bathroom with beagles when I'm at work, and there's no one scratching at the door or demanding to know what I'm doing when I'm in there. However, it means that I walk by POTUS.....
....every time I gotta go. It's like he's keeping track of my bathroom breaks. There's a security camera out there too, but that doesn't bother me as much as POTUS' portrait does, for some reason.
1 comment:
I see they spare no expense at your agency, where they elected not to buy a pic of 2nd term POTUS (blue tie) and decided to stick with 1st term POTUS (red tie). In addition to funding PBU, my agency has enough gold coins lying around to get the pic of 2nd term POTUS for our offices, and I walk by it every day with the level of respect and reverence that it merits.
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