Friday, July 18, 2008


Some of you may be thinking, sure, electrical safety is all well and good, but the new toaster isn't electronic like the old one was. How well does it toast? It toasts fine. I have just finished a delicious PBJ sandwich on whole wheat toast and (1) My tastebuds are happy, and (2) my blood sugar is happy. Today I am going to try a little harder to avoid my usual pre-lunch hypoglycemic crash, which I usually cure with massive intakes of carbs that send my blood sugar too far in the other direction well before I actually feel normal again.

Professor The Man is coming home this evening, which is a good thing. I think I've finally mastered the fine art of making coffee, but I'll never be the kind of person who gets a satisfied feeling from doing the dishes. Plus, whining about how hot it is will undoubtedly be more fun when there is a human on the receiving end.

Here's a dirty little secret. I know I'm an accomplished modern woman of many talents and I don't technically need someone to take care of me, but it's hard when The Man is gone. All of my petty physical infirmities and the depression tend to get out of control for no particular reason other than he isn't here.


Anonymous said...

Your replacement of the toaster reflects a growing conservatism and a loss of a sense of adventure. No more will the house burn down, no more will the toast be a deep dark brown-black (yum-yum) or a pale latte, no more ozone clearing the air. You might as well put up a Ron Paul placard in your front yard and announce to the world "I've officially turned into my mother!"

Dirtbunny said...

Hi Daddy! As you well know, my mother does not have a Ron Paul placard in her yard, and she has a toaster that is not a fire hazard (however, she has the same model as my old one, so that could change). As long as I don't turn into HER mother, I think we'll be OK.