Perhaps you're merely curious.
Perhaps you'd like a little reassurance that you aren't all that underpaid.
Perhaps you aspire to be a WAG and want to know which ones are the richest.
Perhaps you want to point and laugh.
Whatever your motive, courtesy of La Gazzetta Dello Sport, here are this year's numbers, arranged by team, from the poverty-stricken teams to the big spenders.
Perhaps you aspire to be a WAG and want to know which ones are the richest.
Perhaps you want to point and laugh.
Whatever your motive, courtesy of La Gazzetta Dello Sport, here are this year's numbers, arranged by team, from the poverty-stricken teams to the big spenders.

WOW. I figured they all made at least six figures.

That's it? Sergio Pelissier kicks zebra ass and that's all they pay him? I'd like to think it costs more to make Juventus look bad. *sigh*

Good news: Alessandro Diamanti is back in Italy, he's without the Sideshow Bob hairdo, and he's at the top of the Brescia pay scale.
Bad news: Jonathan Zebina, Certified Douchebag, even with a pay cut, is still overpaid.

Ugh. Are these guys going back down? Someone needs to go down to make room for the Toros.

Who would you pay more, Robert Acquafresca or Alessandro Matri?

Eep! Toto stayed in Udine for 1.2 million euros. Zebra money can't buy everything.
pssst: Samir Handanovic deserves a raise.

Is it a cost of living thing? Is life cheaper in Sicily?

Jeez. 1 million for a zebra reject, but only 700K for a midfielder who can use Marchisio and evade Bonucci to score on Storari.

Look at that squad list! Parma has a bunch of Dirtbunny's boys. They also have Crespo.

I had no idea Moris was still on the payroll. I thought "suspended" meant "no paycheck." That's what it means where I work. I'm happy he's coming back in the spring, the big idiot dumbass. Also, pay Sirigu more!

Do all those tiny numbers really add up to 22.6 million?

I bet Zio Aurelio makes more than the captain of his football team. Also, no wonder Cannavaro went to Dubai if this is what Napoli's payroll is like. Well, the money plus the chance to fulfill a lifelong dream.

Please note. Antonio Cassano makes 2.8 million and so far is the highest-paid player we've seen.

Who would you rather have guarding your back door: Kaladze or Ranocchia?
Is Loooca worth 1.2 million more than Cassano? And looks don't count.

I'm not feeling very witty right now.

Yet more reasons why Marco Marchionni is awesome.
Felipe makes more that Jojo! hahahahahahahahaha

Why so blurry? IDK. If you want awesome layout and graphics, don't look at me. I still have a VCR.
Taddei outearns Julio Sergio!!!!1!!!!1 And Doni makes as much as both of them put together? Are you Romanistas out of your fucking minds?

1. 100 million and didn't even make Champions League.
2. Amauri makes more than ADP? *gouges own eyes out*
3. Pepe makes more than Marchisio? There is no God.
4. Gryga, whom I love, but who is terrible, out-earns the following players: Javi Pastore, Miccoli, Giovinco, Marco Di Vaio, Toto Di Natale, Marek Hamsik, J-F Gillet, Pazzo, Mimmo, Monty, JMV, Jojo,and JulioSergio. And MarcoStorari.

There are a lot of things I could say, but only one thing really matters:
Here's the league big spender:

I trust that you can see the injustices for yourself *coff coff Flamini coff coff* and I need not point them out. Roma (who's he? Number three keeper, I presume? *looks it up* confirmed, AND he's older than ADP *gasp*) looks underpaid, perhaps, but go on and scroll back up to some of the smaller clubs. He still makes more than the highest paid player for Cesena.
So here's the Serie A highest-paid starting eleven.

Are you fucking kidding me? Chivu is the highest-paid left back in the league? And what is Flamini doing there?
So Zlatan, surprise surprise is the most expensive player of all. I wonder what happens to him if he keeps going invisible during the big games?
There you go. Discuss/comment/complain as you see fit.
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