Never mind. Dirtbunny blew it all by herself.
Whew. It is New Years Day for my employer, which means the last week has been ridiculous and that puts me way behind on everything I can't earn money doing. So I'm sorry. :(
But I'm here now, and I don't remember much and my notes are indecipherable, but you know what we're going to talk about:

I must admit that I was pretty damn nervous. Juve can beat the Sardines on paper, but Juve can beat Bari and Palermo on paper too. I have to admit that after
So, shall we then?

Angelli was there with his grandmother. The photographers were transfixed, but I could give a shit.
Because Gigi is still dead and nothing good ever seems to happen when Manninger! plays (not that it's his fault), Marcostorari was in goal.

I've always liked him and I used to wonder why he couldn't find a team that wanted to keep him. Well, he has now! *shields him protectively*
These guys started at fullback.


I can't remember who was on the left and who was on the right but it doesn't matter anyway because Rinaudo isn't really a fullback and Gryga, although I love him, is terrible. Gryga played 90 minutes without a major fuckup. Rinaudo got a yellow and was subbed out in the 75th for Nick.
Tangent: How is it even possible that there is no reliable back-up for PDC at left back? PDC isn't even that great. Is it really true that Gryga is all there is? He's a right back, dammit! How did this happen? *examines roster* Oh. Grosso. Fuck you very much. He's a left back. And so is Traore, who broke himself signing his Juve contract. Mr. D loves the Gunners (lord knows why) and Traore came from Arsenal, and Mr. D hasn't ever heard of Traore, so that's a really really bad sign.
Anyway, Nick came on for Rinaudo and was directly responsible for Matri's second goal. *sigh* Nick gets no love. He's the overlooked Zebra. He was playing so well, and then Secco signed Cannavaro, and Nick rode the bench practically all season, and Cannavaro sucked except for when he thought Lippi might be looking, and Nick apparently forgot how to play football. Poor guy. GET YOUR FORM BACK! *chastises, then hugs*
P.S. Does anyone know what Matri's goal celebration hand gesture plus smugface is all about? I've always wondered.
Vincenzo and Amauri started up front.

Amauri's hair was disturbingly subdued.

He tried and tried.

And tried. Mostly from the ground. I still say that bringing the ball up the pitch is not his strong point.

But he tried.

Oh dear. Maybe next time.
Vince did what he does: Get in the air and have his picture taken.

Go down. Look at his right foot! He's going down for sure.


Crashing into things and shrieking.

A goal, but not his goal. Oh well.

And hollering for foul calls from the ref. It wasn't his day. He went off in the 80th for ADP. That was a pretty good move, actually. Vince wasn't feeling it, and fans love to see ADP, and he loves to play, and 10 minutes at the end of a match that's already won makes fans happy without using him up or breaking him. That's all Ima gonna say. Not Ciro is not getting a compliment from me today.

Practicing Leo's "mouth full of spooge" face.
So ADP came on and ran like crazygonuts and was definitely the most energetic guy out there in the last 10. There are no match photos, but we don't want anyone to forget what he looks like.

Pre-Man City presser
Pepe played 90 minutes too. Ugh.

From the Department of "Seriously? That's the Best We Can Do?" he was the designated dead ball guy. *shudder*

is tired of Bunny slamming him, so bringing the ball out of the sky and simultaneously giving her the International Sign of F You.
Despite his continued abuse of innocent socks, he got an assist on Milos' second goal, so props.

And there was a Melo, who continues to play good football like he's not a rageaholic.
Holy crap! Albertino started!

He fought with Biondini a few times....

...and he did a little bitching and moaning, but pretty much I forgot he was on the pitch. I guess I'm not convinced yet.

Yikes. That is not a confidence-inspiring face.
He went off in the 78th for Momo, who got another yellow and otherwise didn't do much of anything.
It's time for the Krasic show!
Not only did he break his duck, dude got a hat trick! A fucking hat trick! My announcer said no Juventus mid has scored a hat trick since 1978 or something. Wow. Really? Not Nedved? Not even Zizou?

His first two goals were on the volley, the second one off a Pepe cross. For the third ball, he found a sliver of space between two defenders and threaded it through. They were all impressive, lovely goals, but I can't exactly tell which photos go with which goals. Daylife thinks these are all of the second goal.

Please to notice that is not Federico Marchetti, who is apparently in exile or something, as if the WC Fail was all his fault and his fault alone. Or who could be injured.

And it's in! So there was a lot of celebrating. I'm sure these go with the second goal.

The third goal celebration looked like this:

He tore off his jersey and swung it around his head and went to the curva to show his love. After the match, he went back and threw his jersey to the tifosi. Aww.
I can't tell which celebrations these go with.

hee! Vincenzo's shimmery purple boots.

Why is Iaquinta's WC2006 tat in English?

Brace yourself. These are definitely definitely from the first goal.

Sorry. It's true. It happened.

I hope this is not going to be a problem. This sort of thing really is not acceptable. It was his first Juve goal EVAR so I'll let it go this time, but you better watch yourself, mister.

Make. It. Stop.
So there was a fourth goal, which has apparently been given as an own goal, but which we all thought was another Bonucci goal. Because he's so freakin hot and because we're so glad he plays for Juventus and we love him so much, let's pretend it was his goal.

See? It totally could have been Leo's goal.

Rawr! Glomp!


Trying out the tongue like you-know-who.

Have you noticed it yet?

Which one of these guys is a homicidal sociopath?

Go on and scroll back. You'll see it.

Is anyone happier to celebrate a goal than Felipe Melo?

Look at that smile!

OK. Sorry FM, but Leo's HOTT is outshining you at this particular moment in time. We'll meet again.

Could he possibly be perfect?

Not quite.
OK, boys, let's go over it again. When you are wearing a tie, you have three choices.
1. Srsbz choice: top button buttoned, tie snug against the collar.
2. Sexy, casual, "I'm not really into this tie thing" choice; tie loosened, top button undone (see where you went wrong?)
3. "I just shagged the hostess and I don't give a fuck what you think" choice: tie undone, but still looped around the neck, shirt unbuttoned at least four buttons, jacket off and slung casually over your arm. Fly open optional. Don't forget to muss your hair if it's not already perma-mussed.

Exactly. A+ for Claudio.
Last, but not last, Gio held the back.

*le sigh*

I am quite disappointed in the amount of attention that Gio gets from the photogs,so I hunted up this one for

imagine him undressed and saying "good morning"
So. That's the Cagliari match.

Next match, which has already happened but which I HAVEN'T SEEN YET, REMEMBER? is
I'm posting without proofing cos I'm late for an appointment. I hope you'll forgive any typographic atrocities.
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